2024 Proposed Bond and Special Levy
square miles
square miles
square footage managed
square footage managed
graduation rate (2023),
an increase of 3.5% from 2022
graduation rate (2023),
an increase of 3.5% from 2022
scholarships awarded
(Class of 2023)
scholarships awarded
(Class of 2023)
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the primary goals of the bond initiative?
- What was the district's process for determining the proposed bond amount?
- Where can I learn more about the proposed projects for my school?
- What is the proposed special levy and how does it work?
- How do I see how much my property taxes would increase if voters pass this bond and/or special levy?
- Would the proposed bond and special levy measures be combined into one ballot item? Or would they be separately listed on my ballot?
What are the primary goals of the bond initiative?
What was the district's process for determining the proposed bond amount?
Where can I learn more about the proposed projects for my school?
What is the proposed special levy and how does it work?
How do I see how much my property taxes would increase if voters pass this bond and/or special levy?
Would the proposed bond and special levy measures be combined into one ballot item? Or would they be separately listed on my ballot?
Overall Needs
Total Proposed
Bond Amount
Proposed Special
Levy Amount
Special Levy Details
Bond/Special Levy Tax Calculator (Residential)
Calculations are based upon current residential property tax laws and are estimates for illustrative purposes only.
Assessed Value
To locate the assessed value of your residential property, please use the following county assessor resources.