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School Bond Information

At Peakview Academy, a teacher leans down to help a young student as they glue pieces on a worksheet

Thank you for exploring the Thompson School District School Project Information page. This comprehensive resource allows you to easily access proposed bond information for each school within the district. Simply select a school from the user-friendly drop-down list below to start exploring.

Below is a description of some of the terms that you will see in the data displayed.


Maintenance includes roofing projects, replacement of heating/air conditioning equipment, asphalt replacement, air quality projects, lighting fixtures, and fence repair.

Educational Enhancements

Educational Enhancements includes items designed to enhance academic offerings in our schools, including upgrades to career and technical education programs, repurposing outdated technological spaces, and enhancements of current learning infrastructure within the schools.

Safety and Security

Safety and Security projects assist the district in providing a safe and secure environment for students, families, staff, and community members. Items include the continued construction of main entry vestibules at schools, enhancement to security radio systems, door replacement, and additional security cameras and fencing.

Building Addition

Building Addition indicates the proposed bond amount to design and complete a building addition that would allow for additional student capacity and higher efficiency within the school.

If you have any questions about this resource or the information it presents, please call 970-613-5000 or email