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Inclusive and Supportive Culture

Focus Area 2

A teacher high-fives a young student during a group activity, surrounded by engaged classmates at a classroom table

Thompson School District believes in school and administrative campuses that foster a welcoming environment, a feeling of hope, a sense of belonging and a safe environment where students, families, staff and community members will feel supported and comfortable in their growth.

Strategic Goal

By 2025, as measured by survey results, TSD will increase by 10% the number of students, staff, parents and community members who “strongly agree” or “agree” that they feel welcomed, safe and supported.

Indicators of Success

  • Attendance Participation
  • School Safety
  • Involvement of diverse stakeholders and community

What We Will Use to Measure Our Progress

Student and Staff Attendance at School
Student, Family and Community Participation in School Events and Activities
Perception Surveys
Student Referral and Discipline Data
Training in Safety and Response Protocols
Implementation of Crisis Plans / Drills
Engagement of Student Resource Officers in Schools
Counselor Caseload and Types of Student Interactions


  • Address existing infrastructure to promote safety of students and staff
  • Inequities exist in the experiences of our culturally, racially, linguistically, economically and cognitively diverse students
  • Connect authentically with students, families, and community


  • Develop, implement, monitor and evaluate professional learning opportunities related to social, emotional, behavioral learning and safety protocols
  • Develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate District Standard Operating Protocols for School Safety and Facilities
  • Implement, monitor, and evaluate district family and community engagement plans

Desired Outcomes and Progress

Last updated in November 2024

Each outcome was assigned a progress score from 1 (Not Started) to 5 (Maintaining).


Not Started



On Track
