Student Achievement
Focus Area 1
Thompson School District is dedicated to preparing each and every student for life beyond the walls of our schools. Thompson School District staff focus on educating “the whole child,” helping to ensure that students are able to demonstrate their learning in meaningful ways and move forward in life as healthy and strong individuals.
Strategic Goal
By 2025, Thompson School District will move from a rating of “Accredited” to a rating of “Accredited with Distinction” as measured by the State of Colorado’s District Performance Framework.
Indicators of Success
- Academic outcomes
- Student wellness
- Opportunities for a well-rounded education
What We Will Use to Measure Our Progress
District Assessments
State Assessments
Graduation Rate
Drop-Out Rate
Course Participation
Participation in Extracurricular and Curricular Activities
Kindergarten Readiness
Participation in Early Childhood Opportunities
College Enrollment and Persistence
Career Placement
Having a Variety of Pathways Available to Students
Social-Emotional and Behavioral Data
- Manage changes to content standards and other requirements by the Colorado Department of Education
- Adapt to an ever changing technological, social, and global environment
- Achievement and growth gaps exist for our culturally, racially, linguistically, economically and cognitively diverse students
- Evaluate assessment data to identify and address achievement and growth targets of individual students
- Deliver, monitor, and evaluate instructional programs and services
- Deliver, monitor, and evaluate social, emotional, behavioral, and physical programs and services
- Provide modern and equitable access to instructional technology to educators and students
Desired Outcomes and Progress
Last updated in November 2024
Each outcome was assigned a progress score from 1 (Not Started) to 5 (Maintaining).
Not Started
On Track
- 1.1 Eliminate disparities in student achievement, growth, graduation, behavioral outcomes and educational opportunities in student groups
- 1.2 All students reading at grade level by the end of third grade
- 1.3 All students graduating on time (4-year graduation rate)