Extracurricular Enrichment
The Thompson School District offers and supports a wide variety of educational enrichment programs that align with the curriculum taught in the classrooms. Why choose an enrichment program for your child?
- Students will work on and investigate an area of interest more in-depth.
- Involvement in enrichment programs allows for exposure to new hobbies and experiences.
- Students are allowed to pursue a topic of study under the guidance of a teacher or mentor.
- New friendships are formed
- Creative thinking is developed and enhanced
General Information
Membership in all student enrichment organizations is on a voluntary basis. Membership is open to and limited to students currently enrolled in the district or in an approved home school program. Due to policy revisions approved by the Thompson School board on May 21, 2014, regarding enrichment programming, teams and/or organizations now have the ability to choose whether they will be District-Sponsored or Non-District Sponsored and therefore designated as an Educational Partnership Organization (EPO). To inform teams, parents and the community on these new policies, the enrichment office has detailed the team classification criteria below, as well as the associated benefits for each designation.
Contact enrichment@thompsonschools.org or 970-613-5057