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Elementary Science Fair Information

Before Submitting Your Project Online

Review the Thompson School District Science Fair Display and Safety Regulations

Complete the Elementary Research Plan Template to prepare for your official, online project submission.

View videos to assist you with your board, presentation, and journals (optional).

Questions? Contact Kristi Mutter

Submit your project and documents
Translate Project Submission Form

Elementary Divisions

  • Kindergarten/1st Grades
  • 2nd/3rd Grades
  • 4th/5th Grades

Elementary students may compete in the following categories:

  • Life Sciences projects ask questions about living things such as plants and animals.
  • Earth Sciences related to rocks, dirt, water and space.
  • Physical Sciences study matter, energy, and chemistry.

Students will compete within their divisions and categories. 

Guidelines for Success

  Lower Elementary (K-3)
 Problem Is the investigation guided by a question?
 Information Data connecting the research to the problem is present.
 Hypothesis The hypothesis is brief and complete, testable and shows a connection to the research.
 Experiment Is there evidence that an experiment was conducted? Was proper equipment used?
 Results Are the data described and/or summarized?
 Conclusion   Is there an attempt to relate the results to the problem/question?
 Visual   Display Is the project presented in a manner that makes the purpose procedure and results clear?


  Upper Elementary (4th-5th)
 Problem  States problem as a question, provides evidence that it comes from the   student's personal interests or experiences, and represents a genuine   learning opportunity for the student.
 Information    Cites 2 or more different sources. Student clearly connects the research   to their problem in their own words.
 Hypothesis  Hypothesis is brief and complete, testable and clearly addresses the   state problem.
 Experiment           Experimental design is a well-constructed test of stated hypotheses.   Procedures are outlined in a step-by-step fashion that could be followed   by anyone without additional explanation. All materials are listed.

 Performed experiment several times. Summarizes the data in a way   that describes what was discovered using graphs and charts with no   errors or omission. Discusses connections between variable or points   out patterns.

 Conclusion  Conclusion completely answers all aspects of the problem, states if the   hypothesis was supported or rejected and clearly cites evident to   explain why.
 Visual   Display  Project display is appealing, neat, and readable. It is well organized and   clear. Use of language and spelling is correct.