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Consent Forms for Parents

Consent and Referral Forms

Referral to Test

Students are nominated for evaluation by the gifted and talented teacher at their school in one of several ways. They can be nominated by a classroom teacher, parent, another student, or themselves; or they can be determined to need further testing based on their scores on previously administered assessments like CMAS or the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). 

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Permission to Test

In a district-wide effort to identify students with exceptional ability, talent, and/or academic achievement, we are requesting permission to further assess your child.
The results of this testing will be shared with you and will be used to help us better understand what your child’s strength areas are and how to meet his/her educational needs.

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Permission to Participate in GT Programming

Please complete this form to provide your written permission for your identified gifted student to participate in Gifted Education Programming options in compliance with:

  1. The Exceptional Children's Educational Act
  2. Rules for Administration of the Exceptional Children's Act - Gifted Programs
  3. Colorado House Bill 1244-07

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Additional Forms

Talent Pool

Each year we search for students who may require gifted and talented services in order to address their educational needs. Your child is being considered as a possible candidate for these services.

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Testing Opt-Out 

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screener measures both general and specific cognitive abilities. Test results may be used in planning effective instructional programs. Scores are used to help refer students for gifted assessment and services. Parents have the option of opting out of this assessment. 

Click Here to Opt-Out