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Parenting decisions: Good for you... or good for your child? - Dr. Gail Post

How can we, as parents, determine whether our parenting decisions are truly in the best interests of our child - or if they merely benefit us personally? But sometimes, decisions that might seem tailored toward your child's best interests create unanticipated problems. Often, such decisions are driven by anxiety, uncertainty, or sincere efforts to protect your child... but they end up backfiring.

Lisa Van Gemert Talks About Perfectionism and Differently Wired Children

Lisa Van Gemert is also known as the Gifted Guru, an educator, speaker, and the author of four books, including her latest book, Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing “Never Good Enough”. Lisa talks perfectionism in-depth, in children and adults as well. While perfectionism might not be a diagnosis, it tends to pop up with many atypical kids, and especially seems to go hand in hand with giftedness. Many parents try to understand their child’s meltdown over not being able to complete a task or assignment to a standard they’ve set for themselves, or feeling defeated before they even begin.

Smart Teenage Brains May Get Some Extra Learning Time - NPR

John Hewitt, director of the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado, is talking about a new understanding of the interplay between your genetic inheritance and how you learn from the environment.

I Never Thought Gifted and Talented Kids Could Be At-Risk Too, Until My Son Said He Wanted to Drop Out of School

It took me 19 years to fully understand that I had a gifted student in my own house that was at risk. But at 1:30 a.m., my son admitted he wanted to drop out of school. After picking myself up off the floor, I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out what my husband and I could have done differently. After all, I teach gifted and talented kids.

Why Gifted Children Suffer From Existential Depression

Gifted students can struggle with life’s big questions. Read more here…

Perfectionism and Giftedness

Some perfectionists seem to enter the world being intense and demanding. For others, perfectionism is a learned behavior influenced by adults in their lives. Some may only demand perfection when it comes to school or work. For those who struggle with perfectionism, it can be a life-long challenge. Yet, people can learn to cope with perfectionism.

Why So Many Gifted Yet Struggling Students Are Hidden In Plain Sight - NPREd

Scott Barry Kaufman was placed in special education classes as a kid. He struggled with auditory information processing and with anxiety. But with the support of his mother, and some teachers who saw his creativity and intellectual curiosity, Kaufman ended up with degrees from Yale and Cambridge. Now he's a psychologist who cares passionately about a holistic approach to education, one that recognizes the capacity within each child.

Creciendo como superdotado y generación Z

Mark Hess, educador, escritor y orador superdotados, habla sobre los efectos de nuestra sociedad actual en nuestros individuos superdotados más jóvenes.

Resilience in the Face of a Global Pandemic

We have been experiencing intense withdrawal from the myths of control and certainty since mid-March 2020, when our world changed overnight. Access this timely and impactful presentation by using passcode 15p^3S!D.

Growing Up Gifted and Generation Z

Mark Hess, gifted educator, writer and speaker, talks about the effects of our current society on our youngest gifted individuals.

Supporting Advanced Learners: New Roles for Parent Advocates During Times of Remote Learning - NAGC

For advanced learners, remote learning provides a wealth of online and hands-on opportunities for interest-based projects, individualized instruction, and enrichment. Freedom from the school schedule also provides flexibility for children to work at their own pace and take time to explore topics of personal interest. However, remote learning also presents challenges, such as limiting a teacher's ability to interact in person, observe students, monitor each child's motivation level, and note student learning pace and work completion in "real time."

Laziness Doesn't Exist

I've been a psychology professor since 2012. In the past six years, I’ve witnessed students of all ages procrastinate on papers, skip presentation days, miss assignments, and let due dates fly by. I’ve seen promising prospective grad students fail to get applications in on time; I’ve watched PhD candidates take months or years revising a single dissertation draft; I once had a student who enrolled in the same class of mine two semesters in a row, and never turned in anything either time.

Astronomers Call on Quarantined Citizens to Hunt for Galaxies - the_byte.

Your friends have taken up new hobbies like baking or needlepoint while they self-isolate. If you’re looking for something that can undeniably one-up them and their endless bread pics, why not join the hunt for new galaxies? 

EFD: Raise Self-Regulated Learners - Peg Dawson, Ed.D, NCSP, with Eve Kessler, Esq.

With the best of intentions, parents often jump in to solve their child’s problems. It’s fast, easy, gets the job done, and enables the child to succeed at the task at hand. But it’s really the parent—not the child—who’s being successful. By providing too much support, parents risk creating a child who is dependent on the adult’s executive skills, instead of a child who is capable of developing her own. On the other hand, by providing too little support, the child may fail.

A Quick Guide To Living With Uncertainty For Super Smart Overthinkers, Perfectionists, And HSPs - Paula Prober

Maybe you think that since you are gifted, you are not supposed to freak out about this global pandemic. You may also think some of the following: You are not allowed to be anxious, confused, or unproductive. You ought to be using all of your time at home creatively while organizing your kitchen utensils, cleaning out your garage, and finally reading Anna Karenina. You should be patiently homeschooling your super excitable children with elaborate science experiments.

Giftedness, Anxiety and Stress

Licensed Clinical Social Worker Jenny Hecht presents to northern Colorado parents. The topic of anxiety and stress are top of mind these days. Now add giftedness to the mix!

Underachievement in Exceptionally Gifted Adolescents and Young Adults: A Psychiatrist's View - Jerald Grobman

In 34 years of psychiatric practice, no clinical problems have been more intriguing to me than underachievement and self-destructive behavior in exceptionally gifted adolescents and young adults. Early in my career as an associate clinical professor in Tufts University School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry, I was stimulated by the challenge of establishing a community-based mental health service (Morrison, Shore, & Grobman, 1973), organizing and running a psychiatric clinic in a municipal court, and developing and supervising the extensive clinical work in a group psychotherapy training program (Grobman, 1978, 1980, 1981). Later, as a senior staff psychiatrist at Lenox Hill Hospital, I had the opportunity to learn about and treat patients whose depression and anxiety were caused by cardiac surgery (Collins & Grobman, 1983). In addition to these activities, I have always maintained a private practice. It has been in this setting that I have encountered the 15 exceptionally gifted adolescents and young adults who are the subjects of this paper.

Giftedness and Masculinity: Balancing Expectations - Duke University Talent Development Program

Society communicates expectations that impact the way gifted boys view themselves and view their own giftedness. The balancing act between being perceived as masculine and being gifted can create unique challenges for gifted boys. For example, parents, teachers, and other mentors of gifted boys may acknowledge their great academic potential, but their peers may value athletic ability and popularity over academics. One study has even reported that teachers can also value athletics and popularity over academic performance.

Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know - Don Winn

The book is a user-friendly guide providing detailed assistance to parents and educators who want to help children with dyslexia achieve their best lives. Keyed to current, cutting edge research, topics include signs of dyslexia parents can watch for at various ages, symptoms that warrant diagnosis by a professional, what to expect during the testing process, and tips on working with your child's school.

The Importance of Sleep for Young People - Dr. Valerie Crabtree

“Sleep is the third pillar of health, along with nutrition and movement, that keeps us healthy and balanced.” Dr. Crabtree is the Chief of Psychosocial Services at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and her critical advice for young people on the importance of getting enough sleep is eye-opening: “Insufficient sleep contributes to making us overweight, sick and sluggish. We literally clean our brains while we sleep, washing away harmful toxins and making room for memories to be stored. In children and teenagers, poor or insufficient sleep is related to poorer organization, poorer memory, and academic difficulties.”

Advice for Gifted Adults Living in a Not-So-Gifted World - Paula Prober

Let’s say that you understand that you are gifted. That you are super smart, highly sensitive, emotional, and empathetic. That you have a rainforest mind. That you think deeply, analyze everything, love learning, and seek justice. You are even starting to accept your compassionately quirky ways. But what you don’t understand is how to communicate with other humans. How to manage in your workplace. Where to find friends. How to find a suitable partner. How to be authentic. How to live at 95 mph when everyone around you is running at 35 mph.

The Power of Positive Mindset on Executive Functions - Marydee Sklar

Years of being late, living with piles everywhere and not meeting commitments or deadlines takes its toll. I see this on a daily basis with my clients. They arrive with experiences of failure etched on their faces. Some hold their bodies in a withdrawn position, as if they are trying to hide. Some nervously giggle and make jokes about how they can’t get their lives together. Sometimes they just stare at the table, awash in shame and guilt. Adolescents can be guarded with a bravado of defiance. And a few have sat down and burst unto tears. They are all living with so much pain.

INTERNAL LINK Perfectionism and Giftedness - TSD Presentation

How can you parent your perfectionist child? Learn more about perfectionism and a few tips and techniques.

Perfectionism with Lisa Van Gemert

Listeners will love Lisa’s Parent Footprint moment story at the end of the interview about her youngest son imitating her one day at home. This innocent playing led Lisa to an epiphany because she heard herself sounding like a teacher (which she was at the time) and not a parent. This life lesson shows us we sometimes don’t know how we sound to others – especially our children.

Forget STEM, We Need MESH

I would suggest a renewed focus on MESH education, which stands for Media Literacy, Ethics, Sociology, and History. Because if these are not given equal attention, we could end up with incredibly bright and technically proficient people who lack all capacity for democratic citizenship.
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