Advanced Learning Plans
The State of Colorado mandated that all identified gifted and talented (GT) students shall have an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP). These plans are to be reviewed and updated annually. Each newly identified gifted and talented student in Thompson will have an ALP written for him/her within 45 school days. Each plan consists of at least one strength-based goal for each identified area of giftedness, an affective goal, a parent support goal, accommodations, and service structures. Plans are developed in conjunction with school personnel, the student, and the family.
Within the Thompson School District, plans look different at each level:
Elementary School:
- Elementary ALPs are written within 45 school days of a new identification, or within the first trimester of school for returning gifted students.
- Plans in elementary schools are one-year plans. Each goal will be re-written each year to accommodate for the changing needs of students and changing schedules at each building.
- Elementary students are asked to contribute to their plans.
- Plans are written and stored in Educlimber. Copies are available to school personnel electronically and paper or electronic copies can be sent home with students.
Middle School:
- Students are asked to be more involved in their goal development.
- Goals are written for a three-year time span but are reviewed each year and updated when needed to accommodate any changes students want to make in their goals.
- Each year, progress is noted during the annual review so students, families, and teachers know how students are progressing toward completing their goals.
- Sixth-grade students should have new plans in place by the end of the first trimester.
- Seventh and eighth-grade students should have their plans reviewed by the second and third trimesters, respectively.
- Plans are written and stored in Alpine Achievement. Copies are available to school personnel electronically and paper or electronic copies can be sent home with students.
High School:
- Students are expected to write their own personal goals, supporting their growing independence.
- Gifted education counselors meet with students to review their plans, make changes as needed, and encourage students to develop long-term plans for their post-secondary options.
- Plan development should begin with ninth-grade students at the beginning of the year, followed by tenth-grade reviews and updates, eleventh-grade reviews and updates, and twelfth-grade summative reviews by the end of the year.
- Each year students have the opportunity to revise their goals or keep them as they are.
- Parents are invited to participate in goal-setting, however, students will determine their final goals.
- Plans at this level are housed in Naviance. Students complete their ALPs online and meet with counselors to review their goals.