Electives – English Language Arts
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Course Descriptions
- Electives – English Language Arts
Credit: 0.5 Career Pathway Elective
- Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of theatre.
- Develop improvisation, characterization, and performance skills.
- Create original scripts with characters, conflicts, and resolutions.
- Respond critically to classmates' performances.
- Berthoud High School
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Electives – English Language Arts
Credit: 0.5 Career Pathway Elective
Recommended: Acting Techniques
- Enhance skills of creativity, performance, and critical response that were introduced in Acting Techniques.
- Discuss, analyze, and demonstrate the techniques of an actor.
- Analyze play scripts and characters.
- Develop specific skills that will prepare them for postsecondary theatre opportunities.
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Electives – English Language Arts
Credit: 0.5 Language Art
Recommended: AP Seminar
Build on what you learned in AP Seminar to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, or issue of individual interest. Through this exploration, you will design, plan, and conduct a year-long research based investigation to address a research question which would culminate with a research paper and oral defense.
- Thompson Valley High School
- Electives – English Language Arts
Credit: 0.5 Career Pathway Elective
Grades 11, 12 at Berthoud High School
Grades 10, 11, 12 at Mountain View High School
- Write original prose and/or poetry.
- Design one or more creative writing projects.
- Write, revise, and participate in peer review workshops to improve writing.
- Understand and employ various creative writing techniques such as plot construction, character development, point of view, etc.
- Berthoud High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Electives – English Language Arts
Credit: 1.0 Career Pathway Elective
Recommended: Application and interview, Journalism 1, Basic Photography, and Commercial Art
- Understand a variety of issues related to publishing a newspaper.
- Collect information systematically for responsible coverage.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the publication of an open forum student newspaper.
- Berthoud High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Electives – English Language Arts
Credit: 0.5 Career Pathway Elective
study facets of behind-the-scenes theatrical productions including: theatre jobs/roles, directing/producing, production concepts, script analysis, sound/light, and sets
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Electives – English Language Arts
Credit: 1.0 Career Pathway Elective
- Work as a community of writers in a project-based learning model.
- Experiment with a variety of techniques in several writing genres.
- Contribute to various publications and writing contests.
- Read and critique the work of established authors.
- Read and critique the work of their peers.
- Produce the school’s literary magazine.
- Practice and use advanced creative writing skills, editorial skills, and positive work habits in this writing-intensive course.
- Thompson Valley High School
- Electives – English Language Arts
Credit: 1.0 Career Pathway Elective
Recommended: Instructor approval, application and interview
- Publish the student yearbook.
- Apply for the following positions: editor, section editor, page designer, reporter, advertiser, illustrator, photographer, and others.
- Work outside the course period and the school day.
- Learn computer operating systems and related software.
- Berthoud High School
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School