Music Courses
Some classes may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
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Course Descriptions
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 per trip travel fee
- Demonstrate a knowledge of vocal production and choral techniques.
- Perform a spectrum of music from the Medieval Period, the Renaissance, choral works of the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic composers, and the 20th century.
- Attend all choral performances.
- Determine concert attire with the ensemble and director.
- Perform music which reflects all musical style periods and the musical heritage of the large mixed chorus.
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor permission
Fee: $15 per semester, $5 per trip travel feeFee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Demonstrate a higher level of musicianship and responsibility.
- Concentrate on music written for the chamber ensemble and full orchestra ensemble.
- Demonstrate a knowledge of orchestral techniques and fundamentals.
- Attend all scheduled performances.
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Eighth Grade Band or Instructor Approval
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 travel fee per tripFee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Develop independent rhythmic proficiency.
- Demonstrate an understanding of key signatures, scales, and the chromatic scale.
- Perform appropriate music literature for their ability level.
- Participate in all scheduled performances.
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Eighth Grade Band or Instructor Approval
Fee: $15 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per tripFee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Develop independent rhythmic proficiency.
- Demonstrate an understanding of key signatures, scales, and the chromatic scale.
- Perform appropriate music literature for their ability level.
- Participate in all scheduled performances.
- Develop music memorization skills.
- Read and apply drill charts.
- Exhibit showmanship and esprit de corps.
- Demonstrate marching and maneuvering skills.
- Participate in all scheduled performances, including a summer band camp.
- Berthoud High School
- Mountain View High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Recommended: Intructor approval
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Determine a course of study (with the instructor) relative to their personal skill level on guitar.
- Demonstrate knowledge of proper posture and hand position, as well as scales, chords, rhythm, and accompaniment styles.
- Perform solo and/or ensemble literature appropriate for their skill level on guitar.
- Attend all scheduled performances.
- Berthoud High School
- Harold Ferguson High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester plus $5 travel fee
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Develop basic skills in the knowledge of jazz theory, including scales, rhythms, and chords.
- Develop and perform basic jazz articulations appropriate to a variety of jazz styles.
- Develop basic improvisation skills.
- Perform appropriate, basic jazz literature to develop jazz performance technique.
- Participate in all scheduled performances.
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Instructor approval and membership in Concert Band, Symphonic Band, or Wind Ensemble
Fee: $15 per semester plus $5 travel fee per trip
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic jazz theory, including scales and chords.
- Perform articulations appropriate to a variety of jazz styles.
- Develop basic improvisation skills.
- Perform appropriate literature for their ability level.
- Participate in all scheduled performances.
- Berthoud High School
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Instructor approval, audition, and membership in Concert Band, Symphonic Band, or Wind Ensemble
Fee: $15 per semester plus $5 travel fee per trip
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Perform with appropriate technique and musicianship in a variety of jazz styles and idioms.
- Further develop improvisation skills including appropriate chord changes and scales.
- Perform appropriate literature for their ability level.
- Participate in all scheduled performances.
- Berthoud High School
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Fee: $11 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per trip
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Music memorization skills
- Reading and applying drill charts
- Showmanship and esprit de corps
- Marching and maneuvering skills
- Participate in all scheduled performances, including a summer band camp
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts or Fitness
Recommended: Contact your Band Director for approval and guidance around registration
Fee: $11 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per trip
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Music memorization skills
- Reading and applying drill charts
- Showmanship and esprit de corps
- Marching and maneuvering skills
- Participate in all scheduled performances, including a summer band camp
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5 Fitness
Recommended: Contact your Band Director for approval and guidance around registration
Fee: $11 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per trip
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Music memorization skills
- Reading and applying drill charts
- Showmanship and esprit de corps
- Marching and maneuvering skills
- Participate in all scheduled performances, including a summer band camp
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Career Pathway Elective
Recommended: Contact your Band Director for approval and guidance around registration
Fee: $11 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per trip
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Music memorization skills
- Reading and applying drill charts
- Showmanship and esprit de corps
- Marching and maneuvering skills
- Participate in all scheduled performances, including a summer band camp
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 travel fee per trip
- Perform literature written expressly for tenor/bass voices
- Perform literature from all style periods and learn foreign languages
- Demonstrate proper diction, vocal production, breathing, posture, rhythmic accuracy, and intonation
- Attend all choral performances
- Determine concert attire with the ensemble and director
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition or instructor approval only at LHS
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 travel fee per trip
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge and application of mixed choral music
- Perform literature from all style periods and learn foreign languages
- Demonstrate proper diction, vocal production, breathing, posture, rhythmic accuracy, and intonation
- Attend all choral performances
- Determine concert attire with the ensemble and director
- Berthoud High School
- Harold Ferguson High School
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
The framework and instructional materials in all Honors Arts courses include a deliberate focus on the process of producing creative works, including generating and refining ideas, practicing skills and techniques, revision, reflection, and collaboration.
The foundational concepts, instructional principles, and artistic practices at the heart of the Honors Music courses directly prepare students for participation in the AP Music Theory course as well. Honors students will be given ongoing opportunities to build their skills of analyzing works of music, learn musical terminology, and practice notational and compositional skills.
Participation in Honors Music courses will also prepare students for participation in the AP Capstone sequence of study. AP Capstone is a two-year program comprised of two courses—AP Seminar and AP Research—focusing on skills of research, analysis of sources, constructing arguments, and communicating ideas. Honors Music instruction highlights these skills as well, inviting students to analyze and respond to works of music, develop and refine their own ideas by drawing on a variety of source material, and constructively respond to the work of peers as it develops.
For more information, visit College Board's Visual and Performing Arts Course Descriptions.
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Membership in band, choir, orchestra, or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Determine the type of ensemble to be formed
- Perfect the skills of aural sensitivity to intonation, balance, blend, tonal beauty, phrasing, and musicianship
- Make artistic and logistical decisions about rehearsals and performances
- Attend all scheduled performances
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Recommended: Membership in band, choir, orchestra, or instructor approval
Fee: $15
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Determine the type of ensemble to be formed
- Perfect the skills of aural sensitivity to intonation, balance, blend, tonal beauty, phrasing, and musicianship
- Make artistic and logistical decisions about rehearsals and performances
- Attend all scheduled performances
- Harold Ferguson High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 0.25 Fine Arts
Fee: $15 per semester or $7.5 per quarter
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of music theory
- Develop basic vocal techniques and solfege skills
- Play together as an ensemble
- Understand the foundation for music history from the Baroque period to the present day
- Demonstrate the basics of playing guitar and various other instruments
- Harold Ferguson High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Dual college credit may be available – see your school counselor for more information
Recommended: Basic music-reading ready recommended and approval of the instructor
- Demonstrate knowledge of scales and modes
- Develop ear training and diction skills
- Study the notation of pitch, rhythm, tonality, chord structure, and terminology
- Berthoud High School
- Harold Ferguson High School
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: A strong background of music theory recommended and approval of the instructor
Fee: Student pays for textbook and AP Exam
- Sight sing and perform own compositions
- Understand modes, scales, harmony, time signature, key signature, intervals, and chord progression
- Compose using figured-bass symbols and/or Roman numbers, bass line and an original melody
- Analyze harmonic procedures, rhythmic metric, and melodic organization and development procedure
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Recommended: Taken Acting Techniques and have previous choral experience or instructor approval
Fee: $115 - Includes course fee of $15 and $100 for Theatre
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Explore the history of musical theatre, costume design, set design, and production
- Gain skills necessary to become a triple threat (actor-singer-dancer) by studying each area
- Be required to participate in the spring musical (rehearsals and meetings outside of class time will be required closer to the opening of the show)
- Have a contextual learning opportunity for students interested in all aspects of theatre production from onstage and backstage responsibilities to marketing and publicity
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Fee: $15
- Be exposed to the diverse world of musical theatre
- Develop skills to prepare auditions and performances, create characters and respond critically to all arts presentations
- Perfect at least four pieces of their choice and create an “end of the semester showcase”
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: At least two years’ previous orchestral experience and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 per trip travel feeFee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Perform a wide variety of music for both string and full orchestra
- Demonstrate a knowledge of orchestral techniques and fundamentals
- Attend all scheduled performances
- Berthoud High School
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Recommended: Instructor approval
- Determine a course of study (with the instructor) relative to their personal skill level on piano
- Demonstrate knowledge of proper posture and hand position as well as scales, chords, rhythm, and accompaniment styles
- Perform solo and/or ensemble literature appropriate for their skill level on piano
- Attend all scheduled performances
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Recommended: Contact your Band Director for approval and guidance around registration
Fee: $11 per semesterFee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music
- Music/movement memorization skills
- Reading and applying drill charts
- Showmanship and esprit de corps
- Vocabulary specific to the colorguard and percussion sections of the marching band
- Participate in all scheduled performances, including a summer band camp
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Instructor approval, audition AND membership in Chamber, Mixed, Tenor/Bass Choir, Treble Choir, Treble Choir Intermediate or Treble Choir Advanced (BHS – audition only)
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 per trip travel fee
This class may meet outside of traditional school hours, please contact your school for more details.
- Demonstrate knowledge of proper vocal production and choral techniques
- Demonstrate stage presence, performance experience, team building, and showmanship
- Perform various styles of 20th century popular music: musical theater, vocal jazz, and contemporary pop/rock styles
- Attend all choral performances
- Determine concert attire and attend performances
- Berthoud High School
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per tripFee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Further develop technical skills and sight reading techniques
- Develop aural sensitivity specific to intonation, balance, blend, and tonal beauty
- Perform appropriate music literature for their ability level
- Participate in all scheduled performances
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per trip
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Further develop technical skills and sight reading techniques
- Develop aural sensitivity specific to intonation, balance, blend, and tonal beauty
- Perform appropriate music literature for their ability level
- Participate in all scheduled performances
- Reading and applying drill charts
- Showmanship and esprit de corps
- Marching and maneuvering skills
- Participate in all scheduled performances, including a summer band camp
- Berthoud High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Credit: 0.5 Fitness
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per trip
Fee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Further develop technical skills and sight reading techniques
- Develop aural sensitivity specific to intonation, balance, blend, and tonal beauty
- Perform appropriate music literature for their ability level
- Participate in all scheduled performances
- Reading and applying drill charts
- Showmanship and esprit de corps
- Marching and maneuvering skills
- Participate in all scheduled performances, including a summer band camp
- Berthoud High School
- Mountain View High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Although the College Board does not offer AP courses in theatre, the foundational principles and artistic practices addressed in Honors Theatre courses do relate to the AP Capstone sequence of study. AP Capstone is a two-year program comprised of two courses—AP Seminar and AP Research—focusing on skills of research, analysis of sources, constructing arguments, and communicating ideas. Honors Theatre instruction highlights these skills as well, inviting students to analyze and respond to works of theatre, develop and refine their own ideas by drawing on a variety of source material, and constructively respond to the work of peers as it develops.
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Elective
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 per trip travel fee
- Perform literature written expressly for treble voices
- Continue to foster their vocal abilities in the areas of technique, and perform more challenging literature than the previous course description
- Perform literature from all style periods, including working with multiple foreign languages
- Demonstrate an increased ability to perform with proper diction, tone, breathing, posture, rhythm, vowel matching, and intonation
- Attend all choral performances
- Determine concert attire with the ensemble and director
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester plus $10 uniform cleaning and $5 travel fee per tripFee: $40 school instrument rental fee, if renting an instrument from the school music department
- Develop the highest level of technical skills and sight reading techniques
- Perfect the skills of aural sensitivity specific to intonation, balance, blend, tonal beauty, phrasing, and musicianship
- Demonstrate an understanding of music history, varying styles of music, and music theory
- Participate in all scheduled performances
- Loveland High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition or instructor approval only at TVHS
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 per trip travel fee
- Perform literature written expressly for treble voices
- Perform literature from some style periods and the learning of at least one foreign language
- Demonstrate proper diction, vocal production, breathing, posture, rhythmic accuracy, and intonation
- Attend all choral performances
- Determine concert attire with the ensemble and director
- Berthoud High School
- Loveland High School
- Mountain View High School
- Thompson Valley High School
- Music
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Recommended: Audition and/or instructor approval
Fee: $15 per semester and $5 per trip travel fee
- Demonstrate a higher level of basic principles of choral techniques listed in the previous course descriptions
- Develop their vocal skills more dramatically by learning challenging literature in at least three or four parts and a greater emphasis on vocal production
- Perform music which reflects all musical style periods and the musical heritage of the large mixed chorus
- Attend all choral performances
- Determine concert attire
- Loveland High School
- Thompson Valley High School