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Social Studies Courses

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Course Descriptions

  • Social Studies
Civics (4000)

  • Gain an understanding of the law and the legal system of the United States.
  • Be aware of current issues and be encouraged to participate as citizens in the legal system.
  • Receive an introduction to the origin and development of our legal system.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Harold Ferguson High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
Civics Honors (4018,4019)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

Learn the same skills as in Civics, but at a more advanced and rigorous level. The expectation is that all students can perform well at rigorous academic levels. Secondly, this course is meant to prepare every student for higher intellectual engagement by starting the development of skills and acquisition of knowledge as early as possible.

  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
AP Comparative Government and Politics (4091)

Credit: 0.5 Social Studies

  • Examine the sources of public authority and political power, the relationship between state and society, and the relationship between citizens and states.
  • Study various political institutions and frameworks, and political change.
  • Examine political life in the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Iran, Mexico, and Nigeria.
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
Economics (4060)

Credit: 0.5 Social Studies

Grade 12 at Loveland High School and Thompson Valley High School

  • Develop an understanding of the basics of microeconomics and macroeconomics.
  • Be presented a framework for studying economic concepts, processes, and issues.
  • Study the American economic system, other types of economic systems, their functions, and their effects around the world.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Harold Ferguson High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
AP Human Geography (4094,4095)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

  • Examine human geography as an introductory college course.
  • Introduction to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface.
  • Employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to analyze human social organization and its environmental consequences.
  • Learn the methods and tools geographers use in their science and practice, and understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among and within societies.
  • Realize the changes in functions and structures of states and in attitudes toward states and political identities.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • IB Diploma Programme (DP)
  • Social Studies
IB DP History of the Americas 11 HL (4320, 4321)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

This Higher Level History Program is a two-year curriculum. It is a comparative course that integrates the histories of Canada, Latin America, and the United States. It is designed to promote an awareness and understanding of the countries in the Western Hemisphere through a comparative analysis of cultural, political, social, and economic issues.

In IB DP History of the Americas HL, students will:

  • Be able to assess the relevance, reliability, and importance of historical materials.
  • Be able to weigh the evidence presented in historical evidence.
  • Be able to analyze and interpret primary sources (historical documents, maps, statistical tables, and pictorial and graphic evidence).
  • Write essay examinations, analytical and research papers.
  • Express themselves with clarity, precision, and know how to cite sources and credit the writing and ideas of others.
  • Develop critical thinking skills by applying economic theory to historical inquiry.
  • Loveland High School
  • IB Diploma Programme (DP)
  • Social Studies
IB DP History of the Americas 12 HL (4324, 4325)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

This Higher Level History Program is a two-year curriculum. It is a comparative course that integrates the histories of Canada, Latin America, and the United States. It is designed to promote an awareness and understanding of the countries in the Western Hemisphere through a comparative analysis of cultural, political, social, and economic issues.

In IB DP History of the Americas HL, students will:

  • Be able to assess the relevance, reliability, and importance of historical materials.
  • Be able to weigh the evidence presented in historical evidence.
  • Be able to analyze and interpret primary sources (historical documents, maps, statistical tables, and pictorial and graphic evidence).
  • Write essay examinations, analytical and research papers.
  • Express themselves with clarity, precision, and know how to cite sources and credit the writing and ideas of others.
  • Develop critical thinking skills by applying economic theory to historical inquiry.
  • Loveland High School
  • IB Diploma Programme (DP)
  • Social Studies
IB DP Psychology 1 (4336, 4337)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

Grades 11, 12

The IB Diploma Programme psychology course aims to develop an awareness of how research findings can be applied to better understand human behavior and how ethical practices are upheld in psychological inquiry. Students learn to understand the biological, cognitive and sociocultural influences on human behavior and explore alternative explanations of behavior. They also understand and use diverse methods of psychological inquiry.

IB DP Psychology 1 can be taken by juniors or seniors at LHS and students have the opportunity to test at the standard level (SL). Students intending on testing at the higher level (HL) will need to take IB DP Psychology 1 as a junior and IB DP Psychology 2 as a senior and testing their senior year.

  • Loveland High School
  • IB Diploma Programme (DP)
  • Social Studies
IB DP Psychology 2 (4338, 4339)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

The IB Diploma Programme psychology course aims to develop an awareness of how research findings can be applied to better understand human behavior and how ethical practices are upheld in psychological inquiry. Students learn to understand the biological, cognitive and sociocultural influences on human behavior and explore alternative explanations of behavior. They also understand and use diverse methods of psychological inquiry.

IB DP Psychology 1 can be taken by juniors or seniors at LHS and students have the opportunity to test at the standard level (SL). Students intending on testing at the higher level (HL) will need to take IB DP Psychology 1 as a junior and IB DP Psychology 2 as a senior and testing their senior year.

  • Loveland High School
  • Electives – JROTC
  • Fitness/Physical Education
JROTC - Level 1 (8618, 8619)

Credit: 0.5 Fitness / Career Pathway Elective (Semester 1), 0.5 Social Studies / Career Pathway Elective (Semester 2)
Fee: $25 per semester

participate in Leadership Education and Training (LET) I consisting of effective communication techniques, Presidential Physical Fitness Program, basic leadership skills, self-awareness skills, emotional intelligence, study skills, Introduction to branches of the Armed Forces. Weapons safety and basic marksmanship skills, goal setting, drug abuse prevention, basic nutrition, and citizenship through history, drill and ceremonies, civic engagement and US Civics topics will also be introduced.

  • Berthoud High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
World History and Geography IB MYP (4316, 4317)

  • Acquire and synthesize knowledge by evaluating evidence from a wide range of primary and secondary sources.
  • Explain complex relationships among events and people through causation, comparison, and continuity and change over time.
  • Examine and utilize the five themes of geography to see the connections between the physical environment and human culture.
  • Investigate historical and current issues including the environment, human rights, the Holocaust, global genocide, global citizenship, conflict, resources, and development.
  • Investigate examples of peace and conflict and how they influence current issues and possible future ones.
  • Loveland High School
  • Social Studies
AP Macroeconomics (4062)

Credit: 0.5 Social Studies

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the workings of the American economy and the international economy.
  • Study national income and price determination, economic performance measures, economic growth, and specifics of international economics.
  • Be prepared to take the AP exam.
  • Loveland High School
  • Social Studies
AP Microeconomics (4063)

Credit: 0.5 Social Studies / Career Pathway Elective

Grade 12

  • Understand basic economic concepts.
  • Be able to identify and understand the nature and function of product markets.
  • Identify factor markets and their role in determining demand for factors of production.
  • Be able to see how to utilize resources as efficiently as possible to ensure maximum production.
  • Be prepared to take the AP Exam.
  • Loveland High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
Modern America (4040,4041)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

  • Cover United States history from 1877 to the present.
  • Gain an understanding of the emergence of the United States from an isolationist country to a superpower.
  • Study the interaction of business, labor, farmers, the poor, and government.
  • Look at politicians and political parties.
  • Explore the role of minorities, immigration, and urbanization.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Harold Ferguson High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
Psychology 1 (4080)

Credit: 0.5 Social Studies

Grades 10, 11, 12

  • Gain an understanding of the basic mental processes that control our living.
  • Acquire a better understanding of their own behavior and that of other persons.
  • Study how people learn, personality development, personality theories, and how the mind works.
  • Become acquainted with ways mental health may be maintained.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Harold Ferguson High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
AP Psychology (4082, 4083)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies
Dual college credit may be available – see your school counselor for more information
Fee: Student pays for textbook and AP Exam

Grades 10, 11, 12

  • Cover rigorous topics including: methods and approaches, biological basics of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning, cognition, motivation and emotion, developmental psychology, personality testing and individual differences, abnormal psychology, treatment of psychological disorders, and social psychology.
  • Be prepared for psychology in college.
  • Have the opportunity to prepare for the AP Psychology test and receive college credit.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
Psychology 2 (4081)

Credit: 0.5 Social Studies
Recommended: Psychology 1

  • Continue the exploration of Psychology.
  • Evaluate subject-specific topics: personality theory, stress and conflict, psychological disorders, types of psychotherapy, and social psychology (social influences, relationships, attitudes, and beliefs).
  • Harold Ferguson High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
Sociology (4084)

Credit: 0.5 Social Studies

Grades 11, 12

  • Develop an understanding of human relations.
  • Study human relations, group dynamics, environmental influences, and social functions as a group and as a person.
  • Develop a better understanding of yourself and your values.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Harold Ferguson High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
AP U.S. Government and Politics (4090)

Credit: 0.5 Social Studies

  • Explore the Constitutional underpinning of United States government.
  • Examine political beliefs and behaviors, political parties, interest groups, and the mass media.
  • Study our institutions of national government, public policy, civil rights, and civil liberties.
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
AP United States History (4048,4049)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies
Fee: Student pays for textbook and AP Exam
Dual college credit may be available – see your school counselor for more information

  • Study The Colonization of America, The American Revolution, and The Constitution.
  • Evaluate The Age of Jacksonian Democracy, The Civil War and Reconstruction, and Industrial America.
  • View America becoming a world power, the 1920's, and the 1930's/The Great Depression.
  • Study World War 2, America as a global power, and the turmoil of the 60's/Vietnam.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Loveland High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
Pre AP World History and Geography (4050,4051)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

  • Explore key concepts in geography and world history.
  • Study historical periods from ancient history to the present.
  • Analyze primary sources and global connections.
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Participate in performance tasks and assessments to support learning.

For more information, visit College Board's Pre-AP World History and Geography description.

  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
World History and Geography (4052, 4053)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies

  • Acquire and synthesize knowledge by evaluating evidence from a wide range of primary and secondary sources.
  • Explain complex relationships among events and people through causation, comparison, and continuity and change over time.
  • Examine and utilize the five themes of geography to see the connections between the physical environment and human culture.
  • Investigate historical and current issues including the environment, human rights, the Holocaust, global genocide, global citizenship, conflict, resources, and development.
  • Investigate examples of peace and conflict and how it influences current issues and possible future ones.
  • Berthoud High School
  • Harold Ferguson High School
  • Mountain View High School
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Social Studies
AP World History: Modern (4028,4029)

Credit: 1.0 Social Studies / Career Pathway Elective

  • Research patterns and impacts of interaction among major societies: trade, war, diplomacy, and international organizations.
  • Identify the impact of technology and demography on people and the environment.
  • Thompson Valley High School
  • Family and Consumer Science – Hospitality and Food Production
  • IB Career-ready Programme (CP)
  • Industrial Technology – Engineering Technology
IB CP Personal and Professional Skills (8200, 8201)

Credit: 1.0 Applied Arts/CTE
Pathway: Personal and Professional Skills

Grades 11, 12

Personal and professional skills (PPS) is a course designed to help reinforce skills students need in college, the workplace, and beyond. The course focuses on five central themes:

  • Personal Development
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • Effective Communication
  • Thinking Processes
  • Applied Ethics

The PPS course will also integrate the Reflective Project (RP), Service Learning (SL), and Language Development (LD), essentially making it a class that focuses on the CP Core. Because PPS integrates all of the CP Core, it is necessary you also attend the IBCP Study Hall. During IBCP Study Hall, students will also work on the CP Core. This gives the PPS teacher an opportunity to check in with each student individually, help them manage their workload, and check up on progress in their classes.

While the themes are outlined by each unit, they are not taught in isolation. The themes are truly integrated throughout the course and will be woven into various topics in the different units.

Students will complete a digital portfolio for each component of the CP Core.

  • Loveland High School