Project Lead the Way
Berthoud and Mountain View High Schools are offering exciting STEM courses in pre-engineering. Any Thompson student from any high school may sign up to take the classes.
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a national nonprofit organization established to help schools give students the knowledge they need to excel in high tech fields. Studies of PLTW’s curriculum have proven that PLTW students become the kind of prepared, competent, high-tech employees U.S. industry needs to stay competitive in the global market.
- early exposure and practical precollege application of concepts
- feeling better prepared for college
- greater confidence in all academic areas
- understanding what it takes to become an engineer
- project based, hands on
- school to Life
You might be surprised by the exciting variety students can find in the engineering world and how schools can help them find it. In fact, as the uses of science and technology expand in today’s job market, our nation will need a constant supply of engineers graduating from college in order to remain competitive in the world’s marketplace.
For decades, technical industries had a solid base of skilled workers, “high tech” was still an emerging employment sector, and the demand for technical jobs matched the supply. Today, with more than half of the country’s engineers and scientists nearing retirement, and with more than half of the students in college engineering programs dropping out before graduation, U.S. technical industries are in need of engineers and technical workers and not just a handful but more than one million. As always, American businesses are looking to schools to help them educate future engineers. This is where Project Lead the Way can help.