Elementary Standards-Based Instruction
Thompson School district is committed to providing an accurate picture and communicate your student’s growth and your student’s achievement by giving clear, specific feedback on their growth toward the mastery of grade level content and standards.The purpose of the documents below are to explain how those practices work and how our school district communicates your student's learning.
2016 Parent Communication
Standards-Based Scoring
Standards Based Scoring
Exemplary Expectations in the Standard (4)
-The student consistently produces an exemplary body of evidence that shows increased depth and complexity and transfer of understanding and flexible application of grade-level concepts.
Meeting Expectations in the Standard (3)
-The student consistently meets standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows independent understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
Progressing Towards Expectations in the Standard (2)
-The student demonstrates progress towards standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows incomplete/inconsistent understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
Emerging Progress Towards Expectations in the Standard (1)
-The student has limited understanding of standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows minimal understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
Parent Letter - August 2016
Dear Elementary Families,
We are excited for a new school year and to continue our journey with Standards-Based Reporting.
Standards-Based Reporting focuses on what a student knows and what they learn. We continue in our third year using Standards-Based Reporting in the area of Math for grades 1 through 5 and are happy to move forward with Standards-Based Reporting in English Language Arts (ELA) and work habits, which are reported separately from academics. *Please note that since kindergarten is utilizing "TS GOLD," their progress reports will look different.
Below is a brief overview of our progress scale. Teachers collect and score samples of student work that show their progress toward meeting grade-level standards. This score is an indicator of where your child is at that moment in time. This is a shift from previous years’ scoring, which was measured against end-of-year expectations. The scoring shift is based off of feedback and our continuous efforts to create a seamless Early Childhood through 12th grade experience for our students and families.
4- Exemplary -The student consistently produces an exemplary body of evidence that shows increased depth and complexity and transfer of understanding and flexible application of end-of-year grade-level concepts.
3- Meeting -The student consistently meets standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows independent understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
2- Progressing -The student demonstrates progress toward standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows incomplete/inconsistent understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
1- Emerging -The student has limited understanding of standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows minimal understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
More information regarding Thompson School District Work Habits for 1st -12 th grade students will be coming soon. We look forward to a great school year, focused on the success of your child!
Thank you,
Learning Services Team
Parent Letter - December 2016
Dear Elementary Families,
We are excited for a new school year and to continue our journey with Standards-Based Reporting.
Standards-Based Reporting focuses on what a student knows and what they learn. We continue in our third year using Standards-Based Reporting in the area of Math for grades 1 through 5 and are happy to move forward with Standards-Based Reporting in English Language Arts (ELA) and work habits, which are reported separately from academics. *Please note that since kindergarten is utilizing "TS GOLD," their progress reports will look different.
Below is a brief overview of our progress scale. Teachers collect and score samples of student work that show their progress toward meeting grade-level standards. This score is an indicator of where your child is at that moment in time. This is a shift from previous years’ scoring, which was measured against end-of-year expectations. The scoring shift is based off of feedback and our continuous efforts to create a seamless Early Childhood through 12th grade experience for our students and families.
4- Exemplary -The student consistently produces an exemplary body of evidence that shows increased depth and complexity and transfer of understanding and flexible application of grade-level concepts.
3- Meeting -The student consistently meets standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows independent understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
2- Progressing -The student demonstrates progress toward standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows incomplete/inconsistent understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
1- Emerging -The student has limited understanding of standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows minimal understanding and application of grade-level concepts.
More information regarding Thompson School District Work Habits for 1st -12th grade students will be coming soon. We look forward to a great school year, focused on the success of your child!
Thank you,
Learning Services Team
Parent Portal & Scoring Communication
- FAQ for Viewing Scores in Parent Portal
- Sample Progress Report
- Standards Based Instruction - Parent Questions
FAQ for Viewing Scores in Parent Portal
Frequently Asked Questions for Viewing Scores in Parent Portal
What subjects will be in Parent Portal for my child this year?
There will only be scores (1-4) for math and English Language Arts in 2016-17. This will be on-going throughout the year. Other subject areas and work habits will be populated at the reporting period.
Will I still see a report card?
Teachers will post student progress reports in Parent Portal in the middle of October, the beginning of January, the middle of March and at the end of the school year.
What if I don’t see a score for a certain standard or assignment?
Remember that not all standards have been taught or will have evidence at this point in time. Some assignments may not have a score. No score, unless otherwise noted, means this wasn't an evidence collection point for your child. As we personalize your child's learning journey, we know that students may need different ways to demonstrate their learning.
Why is my child’s progress going up and down on the same standard?
As our school year progresses, the complexity of the standards being taught increases. This dip in progress shows that your child is experiencing new learning. These points in time are great places to ask your child what new learning has happened at school.
Sample Progress Report
Standards Based Instruction - Parent Questions
Dear Parents,
To assist you in having meaningful conversations with your child/children’s teacher about standards-based instruction, we are sharing ten important questions that may help in your conversations. The goal is that by asking these questions, you will get a better understanding of how your child/children is/are doing in school and the opportunities and supports that are provided to ensure their academic success.
Academic Performance Questions
1. What supports are available for my child in all subject areas? a. When are you providing these supports?
2. What specific exemplary opportunities (4) are available for my child to transfer and apply grade level skills to new and unique situations? a. When are you providing these opportunities?
3. What are you doing in the classroom to support my child’s growth?
4. What can I do at home to support my child’s growth?
5. What needs do you see for my student as a learner in and out of the classroom?
Work Habit Questions
1. How is my child progressing as a collaborator?
2. How is my child progressing as a communicator?
3. How is my child progressing as a creative problem solver?
4. How is my child progressing as an advocate for his or herself?
5. What needs do you see for my student as a community member in and out of the classroom?
Work Habits
Graduation Competency
Graduating seniors will be able to demonstrate that they can:
Contribute respectfully in a fair-minded way; consider perspectives and share resources and ideas; accept and fulfill roles; collaborate with willingness to compromise
Performance Indicators
- Perform effectively with others so that together they will set and achieve goals, conduct investigations, solve problems, and create solutions
- Interact respectfully with others, including those with whom they have differences
- Analyze and fulfill their roles and responsibilities in their classroom, school and community d. Exhibit a willingness to share one's thinking and listen with positive intent to understand others' thinking
K-12 Work Habit Scoring Criteria
4 - Exemplary
The student interacts respectfully to build consensus
3 - Meets (Performance Indicator)
The student interacts respectfully with others including those with whom they have differences
2 - Progressing
The student provides input into group collaboration
1 - Emerging
The student listens to others’ opinions without interruptions
Graduation Competency
Graduating seniors will be able to demonstrate that they can:
Effectively communicate written, spoken and/or artistic language to convey meaning and understanding to a variety of audiences
Performance Indicators
- Demonstrate organized, purposeful, and precise communication
- Evaluate and select multimedia tools and technologies to effectively convey ideas
- Listen effectively to decipher and evaluate meaning including knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions
- Use evidence and logic to formulate, explain and defend ideas and thinking
K-12 Work Habit Scoring Guide
4 - Exemplary
The student demonstrates organized, purposeful, and precise communication to a variety of audiences
3 - Meets (Performance Indicator)
The student demonstrates organized, purposeful, and precise communication
2 - Progressing
The student organizes thoughts and ideas and communicates purposefully
1 - Emerging
The student organizes thoughts and ideas
Graduation Competency
Graduating seniors should be able to demonstrate that they can:
Utilize reasoning skills and multiple information sources to solve problems and make decisions
Performance Indicators
- Use innovation and multiple information sources to take responsible risks to develop new solutions to problems
- Combine ideas to solve a problem, address an issue or create something new
- Design and construct original work and understanding which provides a contribution for an intended purpose
K-12 Work Habit Scoring Guide
4 - Exemplary
The student analyzes and applies ideas to solve a problem, address an issue or create something new
3 - Meets (Performance Indicator)
The student combines ideas to solve a problem, address an issue or create something new
2 - Progressing
The student modifies the ideas of others to solve a problem
1 - Emerging
The student imitates ideas from the sources consulted to solve a problem
Graduation Competency
Graduating seniors will be able to demonstrate that they can:
Demonstrate responsibility by initiating and managing learning and actions through self-awareness, selfmotivation, self-control, self-advocacy, perseverance and adaptability as a reflective learner
Performance Indicators
- Self-manage and take ownership of work, actions and goals
- Demonstrate responsibility including the ability to learn and persevere in our work and actions
- Self-reflect to positively affect work, actions and goals
K-12 Work Habit Scoring Criteria
4 - Exemplary
- The student self-manages, takes ownership of work and advocates for their global community
- The student demonstrates and extends their responsibility, including the ability to learn and persevere in their work and actions in unfamiliar situations
- The student self-reflects to successfully transition to the next level of learning to positively affect work, actions and goals
3 - Meets (Performance Indicator)
- The student selfmanages and takes ownership of work, actions and goals
- The student demonstrates responsibility including the ability to learn and persevere in their work and actions
- The student self-reflects to positively affect work, actions and goals
2 - Progressing
- The student engages in work, actions, and goals
- The student is able to identify a plan to improve their ability to be responsible for their work and actions
- The student self-reflects to positively affect their actions and work
1 - Emerging
- The student is aware of work, actions, and goals
- The student is aware that they should be responsible for their work and actions
- The student self-reflects on their actions