ADAB, District Goal-Planning Process
In exercising its legal decision-making responsibilities, the Thompson School District Board of Education recognizes the voice of the community as paramount in establishing district goals and the voice of the staff as paramount in developing curriculum and instructional delivery practices to achieve those goals. An effective planning process enhances the Board’s ability to assess student achievement and well-being and to make more effective personnel and budgeting decisions.
The purpose of both strategic and tactical planning is to promote continuous improvement as follows:
- Providing criteria for the measurement of student achievement and well-being;
- Assuring a common understanding of those things for which staff is accountable;
- Clarifying how all stakeholder groups can gain access to school district personnel and processes;
- Encouraging broad participation in the establishment of district goals as a means of building commitment to and sharing responsibility for student achievement and well- being;
- Providing an ongoing process of data collection and analysis so that decisions are based on sound research and practice;
- Modeling the type of reflection and problem solving in our organization that we expect from our students; and
- Providing criteria to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of our budgeting process.
The Superintendent will ensure that the planning process is aligned with the district’s Unified Improvement Plan. The Superintendent will report, at least annually, on the progress toward district goals as identified in the strategic plan.
Adopted April 3, 2002
Revised May 18, 2022