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ADF, School Wellness

ADF, School Wellness

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The Thompson School District recognizes that healthy students are better learners. Student and staff wellness will be promoted through support, health education, and healthy living practices as part of the total learning environment. In accordance with the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and in support of healthy schools, the Board adopts the following goals:

Wellness foundation and commitment

The district will engage students, parents/guardians, school employees, food service professionals, health professionals and other interested community members in developing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing district-wide nutrition and physical activity policies. A Wellness Advisory Board will be maintained to synthesize input from these constituents and to oversee the development, implementation and evaluation of the district’s wellness policy.

Promotion of a healthy learning environment for development and practice of lifelong wellness behaviors

The school environment shall be aligned with healthy school goals to positively influence student understanding, beliefs and habits as they relate to good nutrition, regular physical activity and general health. Such learning environments will teach students to use appropriate resources and tools to make informed and educated decisions about lifelong personal health practices.

Commitment to a supportive nutrition environment that contributes to students’ health and academic performance

One in 13 children in the U.S. has a food allergy, and 40% of those have had a potentially life- threatening reaction such as difficulty breathing and throat constriction. For this reason, a safe classroom environment free of contamination with food allergens must be provided to all students.

In addition, one third of all children in the US are overweight or obese. The USDA has established national nutrition standards for all foods sold and served on school campuses anytime during the school day. All foods and beverages available on school grounds, during the school day, shall meet or exceed these nutrition standards. All schools participating in the National School Lunch and/or School Breakfast Program shall comply with all state and federal rules or regulations regarding competitive food service and the Food of Minimal Nutritional Value, as defined by the USDA.

Standards for USDA child nutrition programs and school meals

The district will provide and promote the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs to ensure that all students have access to healthy foods to support healthier choices and promote optimal learning.

Commitment to physical education and physical activity to support students’ health and academic performance

A quality physical education program is an essential component to a comprehensive education for all students. Age-appropriate physical activity opportunities shall be included in a school’s daily education program from grades pre-kindergarten through 12. Physical activity should include regular instructional physical education, in accordance with the district’s content standards, as well as co-curricular activities and recess.

Commitment to support staff health

The district will support the health and well-being of staff by developing and promoting policy and environmental supports to encourage physical activity and healthy eating opportunities and other programs beneficial to staff health.

Revision History

  • Adopted March 1, 2006
  • Revised August 21, 2013

Legal reference

Section 204 of P.L. 11-296 (Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act)
C.R.S. 22-32-134.5 (healthy beverages requirement) C.R.S. 22-32-136 (policies to improve children’s nutrition and wellness)
C.R.S. 22-32-136.3 (transfat ban) C.R.S. 22-32-136.5 (physical activity requirement)
1 CCR 301-79 (State Board of Education – healthy beverages rule)

Cross references

EF, Nutrition Services
EFC, Free and Reduced Price Food Services
EFEA, Nutritious Food Choices
IHAM, Health Education
IHAMA, Teaching about Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
JLJ, Physical Activity