ADF-R, School Wellness
ADF-R, School Wellness
Wellness foundation and commitment
- In accordance with the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, the district will convene a District Wellness Advisory Council (DWAC) to oversee the planning and implementation of district wellness-related goals and objectives, and the development, implementation and evaluation of the district wellness policy. DWAC membership will be representative of all school levels and may include but not be limited to: parents/guardians, the nutrition services director and staff, Directors of Education, PE teachers, school health professionals, school administrators/staff, students, any interested members of the general public, and representatives of interested community organizations.
- The DWAC shall:
- Meet at least quarterly to discuss implementation of wellness activities and priorities that support the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.
- Meet annually to review the wellness policy and develop an action plan for the coming year.
- Report annually to Cabinet and the Board of Education regarding implementation of WSCC efforts and the wellness policy, including any recommended changes or revisions.
- District/School Administration will work collaboratively with DWAC to ensure compliance with the established district wellness policy. Evaluation of the policy/regulation must be completed every three years and will include a review of district/school compliance with policy and regulation, and progress made in attaining goals of the wellness policy. Results of this evaluation will be posted on the district website in accordance with federal regulation.
- Implementation and monitoring of the wellness policy at each school site shall be supported by the principal and District Wellness Advisory Council.
- Changes and developments to the School Wellness Policy shall be made available to students and families by means of school-based communication, including but not limited to school/district websites and newsletters.
- Each school shall support student and staff health through a stand-alone wellness team or through efforts of another school committee. Each team shall utilize available data and school assessments to develop a biennial school wellness plan that is submitted to the District Wellness Coordinator and shared with the school community. The school wellness team and/or wellness leaders at each site will work with the school community to implement the plan, and, with support from the principal and district wellness coordinator, will evaluate progress at the end of each year to assist in the development of next year’s plan.
Promotion of a healthy learning environment for development and practice of lifelong wellness behaviors
- Continue to restructure and improve health education instruction to meet state standards and to teach and engage students in lifelong healthy habits.
- Strive to integrate nutrition education and physical activity into core curriculum and instruction as applicable.
- Promote evidence-informed whole child wellness strategies to students, parents/families, staff and the community at events such as school registration, parent-teacher conferences, back-to-school nights, staff meetings and other applicable opportunities or events to encourage and support healthy practices at school and at home.
Commitment to a supportive nutrition environment that contributes to student health and academic performance
- Promote increased consumption of healthy options and fresh fruits and vegetables through experiential, hands-on nutrition education in the cafeteria and the classroom, community research and partnerships, and family engagement strategies.
- Promote a welcoming and safe eating environment in all school cafeterias (include student art work, positive social interaction, etc.).
- Provide adequate time for students to eat (national recommendation of at least 10 minutes for breakfast and 20 minutes for lunch from the time a student receives a meal).
- Encourage the scheduling of recess before lunch.
- Ensure that all students are provided the opportunity to receive a healthy breakfast by promoting alternative strategies such as breakfast in the classroom, breakfast after first period, grab-and-go meals (until 10 a.m. daily), breakfast carts, etc.
- Due to student allergy concerns, classroom snacks will not be distributed. Snacks must be provided by parent/guardian for their child only.
- Promote alternative non-food rewards.
- Promote fundraising activities with positive health messages that are of a non-food nature. During school food fundraisers shall be minimal and shall not be rewarded with prizes
- Promote healthy school celebrations that focus on activities (free time, extra recess, crafts/music/culture, etc.) and not food.
- Require that all food brought in for celebrations be pre-packaged and commercially sealed, and consist primarily of healthy options (fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc.). Water shall be promoted as the main beverage choice. Note: Per the elementary handbook, individual birthdays will not be celebrated.
- Schools shall inform parents/guardians of school food guidelines at the beginning of each school year (planned parties, use of food as rewards, snacks, etc.)
- Require that any student work surfaces (in classrooms or areas outside of the cafeteria) potentially contaminated with food proteins be thoroughly cleaned using district approved cleaner/sanitizer before additional student contact with these surfaces (district-approved cleaner will be provided in all classrooms). Note: students should not perform this vital cleaning task.
- All staff should be aware of and responsive to students with food allergies and will be required to complete a biennial online training regarding management of food allergies.
- Per USDA regulation, all school stores and vending machines shall not be open during the school day. (USDA definition of school day: period from the midnight prior, to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day.)
- All food and beverages sold to students on campus during the school day (as defined above) must meet or exceed USDA’s Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in Schools (Smart Snacks).
- Marketing of food and beverages in schools will be minimal, and only permitted for foods and beverages that meet Smart Snack standards.
Standards for USDA child nutrition programs and school meals
- TSD Nutrition Services meets and exceeds all USDA Nutrition Standards and is committed to sourcing fresh, locally-grown, minimally-processed products.
- TSD Nutrition Services will assess the meal program to help minimize waste and decrease the environmental impact of services.
- Strategies to increase meal participation, improve consumption of healthy food, and reduce food waste will be utilized (Smarter Lunchroom).
- All students will have access to free drinking water during meal times.
Commitment to physical education and physical activity to support student health and academic performance
- All students in grades K-12 will participate in physical education in compliance with the Physical Education Standards, and students will have the opportunity to select physical education in addition to these requirements where it is an elective.
- Physical education will be taught by a licensed instructor.
- All staff involved in physical education will be provided opportunities for professional development focusing on physical activity, fitness, health and wellness.
- Each elementary school shall provide each student the opportunity to participate in a minimum of 600 minutes/month of physical activity in accordance with state law.
- Active recess will be encouraged as a component of a supportive learning environment.
- All teachers will be encouraged to use physical activity during classroom time as developmentally and instructionally appropriate.
- Schools will discourage extended periods of inactivity (two or more hours). During events such as mandatory school-wide testing, teachers will give students periodic breaks for moderate physical activity.
- Schools will offer intramurals, clubs, interscholastic sports and voluntary activities to increase opportunities for physical activity before and/or after school, taking into account student interest and supervisor availability.
- After-school enrichment providers will include physical activity in their programs, to the extent space and equipment allow.
- Schools will promote walking or bicycling to and from school as a viable option and shall work together with applicable community partners to provide corresponding bicycle and pedestrian safety education to support these efforts.
Commitment to support behavioral health needs
- District staff will work collaboratively with community partners to conduct outreach and engagement with youth and families to increase awareness of mental health and promote positive mental health.
- District mental health team members shall work with principals, counselors and other staff to provide school staff with opportunities for professional development regarding trauma and mental health to better support student and staff health and well-being.
- Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings will be offered to increase mental health literacy of school personnel and other adults who come into contact with school-aged youth.
Commitment to support staff health
- The district will create an annual staff wellness plan that will incorporate education and resources for the promotion of physical and social-emotional staff health. Available services offered through the Employee Assistance Program, Employee Health Centers, etc. will be promoted regularly to staff. Professional learning opportunities focused on the connection between health and student/staff success will be provided as appropriate and feasible.
- Food options available at staff meetings will be encouraged to meet the approved nutrition standards. During meetings lasting longer than one hour, staff will have the opportunity to stretch and be physically active.
Revision History
- Adopted August 21, 2013
- Revised July 2017