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AE-R, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment (District/School Accountability Committees)

AE-R, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment (District/School Accountability Committees)

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District Advisory and Accountability Committee


The District Advisory and Accountability Committee (DAAC) offers parents, students, community members and staff the opportunity to become involved with the improvement of the educational system.

DAAC serves as an advisory committee to the Board of Education in compliance with the Educational Accountability Act of 2009.

One of the tasks of DAAC is to provide input for the annual report to district patrons. The input shall summarize the accomplishments of DAC.

DAAC is obligated to respond to the charge(s)/areas of study which shall be cooperatively determined by the Board and DAAC annually.


(DAAC) shall consist of at least:

  • three parents of students enrolled in district schools
  • one teacher employed by the district
  • one school administrator employed by the district
  • one person who is involved in business in the community within the district’s boundaries
  • one student representing a district high school
  • one Board of Education representative

A person may not serve in more than one of the required membership roles on DAAC. A person who is employed by the district or related to a district employee shall not be eligible to serve as a parent on DAAC. “Related” is defined as the person’s spouse, son, daughter, sister, brother, mother or father. If, however, the district makes a good faith effort and is unable to identify a sufficient number of parents that meet these criteria, a person may serve as a parent on DAAC and also be employed by the district or related to a district employee.

The Board shall appoint persons to DAAC for two-year terms). In making these appointments, the Board shall ensure, to the extent practicable, that:

  • the parents appointed reflect the student populations significantly represented within the district;
  • at least one of the parents is a parent of a student enrolled in a district charter school authorized by the Board, if one exists; and
  • at least one of the persons appointed has demonstrated knowledge of charter schools.

If the Board chooses to increase the number of persons on DAAC, it shall ensure that the number of parents appointed exceeds the number of representatives from the group with the next highest representation.

DAAC shall elect a parent representative to serve as chairperson and another parent representative to serve as vice-chairperson for one year. DAAC shall also establish a schedule of meetings and adopt general rules for its operation. All DAAC meetings shall be preceded by public notice and shall be open to the public.
DAAC will make every effort to sustain and transfer institutional knowledge with the addition of new members.


The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall be elected annually at the last meeting of the school year. The chairperson shall preside at all committee meetings and establish the agenda. The vice chairperson shall preside in the absence of the chairperson.

The secretary shall take minutes for all committee meetings and maintain attendance records, minutes, agendas and other pertinent papers.

Terms of office shall be for one year beginning in June.


A regular meeting shall be held once a month from August through April or September through May as determined by the DAAC. Regular meetings shall be publicized at least 24 hours in advance and open to the public. Additional meetings may be called as needed.

Quorum and Voting

A simple majority of the total membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the validity of any vote. A majority of those present and eligible to vote shall be necessary to elect and to decide a question.

Amendment of General Rules of Operation

The general rules of operation may be amended by submitting the proposed change in writing at any regular meeting. A vote on the proposed change will be held at the next meeting.

School Accountability Committees


Each school accountability committee (SAC) shall consist of at least:

  • three parents of students enrolled in the school
  • one teacher who provides instruction at the school
  • the school principal or designee
  • one person from the community
  • one adult member of an organization of parents, teachers, and students recognized by the school

A person may not serve more than one of the required membership roles on the SAC. If, after making good-faith efforts, a principal or an organization of parents, teachers and students is unable to find sufficient number of persons who are willing to serve on SAC, the principal, with advice from the organization of parents, teacher, and students, may establish an alternate membership plan for SAC. Such alternate plan shall reflect the required representation stated above as much as practicable.

Members of SAC shall be appointed by the principal of each school for a two year term. The principal shall ensure, to the extent practicable, that the persons appointed reflect the student populations significantly represented within the school.

If the principal chooses to increase the number of persons on any SAC, the principal shall ensure that the number of parents appointed exceeds the number of representative from the group with the next highest representation.


The SAC shall select a parent representative to serve as chair or co-chair, who shall serve a term of two years.

Adopted August 1997
Revised April 7, 2004
Revised August 17, 2011
Revised May 21, 2014
Revised June 3, 2020