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DJ/DJD, Purchasing / Cooperative Purchasing

DJ/DJD, Purchasing / Cooperative Purchasing

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The Board of Education expects Administration to make every effort to receive optimum value for the dollars spent through sound purchasing procedures. In addition to purchase price, the concept of optimum value encompasses such factors as warranties, future availability, results of product testing, local service, cost of maintenance, future trade‑in value or availability of repurchase agreements, financial terms for non‑cash purchases, availability of training courses, aesthetics, costs of operation, and safety and health features.

Purchasing Function

The purchasing function shall be to buy the product required for the intended purpose, which in the course of its use over time will be the most economical and efficient product.

The district recognizes that major financial benefits may be achieved by consolidated purchasing of standardized products. Therefore, the district shall endeavor to purchase and stock the same types of products at all schools. Any exceptions shall be subject to question and review by the superintendent's designee.

Purchases shall be timed to provide the necessary goods and services at reasonable cost without undue delay in delivery. Purchasing may be done on a calendar basis, taking into consideration when the product is needed and market conditions. It is of prime importance to have the product available when needed.

The quantity of items purchased shall depend on need, storage facilities available, and the effect of unit prices for volume purchase. The quantities purchased of each item shall be determined by the factors that shall yield the most economical price per item. Whenever possible, standardized lists shall be used.

Where it is feasible, specifications shall be designed to insure the quality of the product desired and competitive prices so as to permit the lowest possible purchase price. Specifications should not be written around one product only or to describe a patented item. No bid shall be accepted which does not conform to the specifications furnished.

In situations where it is not possible to prepare definitive purchase specifications, a request for proposal or other process for inquiry shall be used. Requests for proposals shall be published or disseminated in the same manner as notices of solicitation of bids.

The district may use a pre-qualification process and request for qualifications if it is determined to be in the best interest of the district.

The district may standardize purchases to the extent allowed by appropriate state and federal laws and regulations. First consideration shall be given to the interests, policies and objectives of the school district. All contracts and open market orders shall be awarded to the lowest responsible qualified vendor or contractor taking into consideration the quality of products or services and their contribution to program goals. Life cycle costing may be used to determine the bid award.

Trade Practices and Vendor Relations

The district shall cooperate with trade and industrial associations and with government and private agencies in the formulation and development of sound business methods that will foster and promote fair, ethical and legal trade practices.

In determining vendor or contractor responsibility, the following primary factors shall be considered: possession of or access to appropriate financial, material, equipment and personnel resources to meet specifications or contractual requirements; documented experience and current references that can attest to satisfactory performance and integrity; and ability to legally contract with the school district. Vendors may be required to supply all necessary information for establishing responsibility.

The acceptance, individually or on behalf of the district, of any benefits or services offered by vendors in addition to the bid specifications or the proposal parameters is prohibited.

No employee and no firm owned in whole or in part by an employee, will be allowed to sell to the district or to students of the district, goods or services of any kind without the expressed prior consent of the board. District employees and employee-owned businesses are required to request permission in writing to sell goods or services to the District. Businesses will be recommended for Board approval after review of the request determines the nature of the proposed transactions assist in supporting the goals of the District. All purchases from Board approved employee vendors must meet the District’s competitive bidding requirements and be acceptable in the best interest of the District. Request for approval as an authorized vendor to do business with the District is subject to annual renewal and is valid through the current fiscal year.

When consideration of all factors produces substantially equally qualified vendors or contractors, the award shall be made to a vendor or contractor whose primary place of business is within the boundaries of the school district. However, the district reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, and to accept that bid which appears to be in the best interest of the school district.

Cooperative Purchasing

For the purposes of increasing efficiency and/or reducing administrative expenses, the district may join and participate in cooperative procurement agreements with one or more public agencies in the United States. The district may participate in or purchase goods and services through contracts awarded by other governmental agencies when the contract is based on competitive principles and the pricing is determined to be in the district’s best interests.

Board of Education Approved Purchasing Methods:

The Thompson School District Board of Education approved purchasing methods are purchase orders, petty cash, and procurement cards.

Purchase Orders:

A Purchase order is required whenever credit is being extended toThompson School District by a vendor regardless of dollar amount. The purchase order should adhere to all District approved purchasing policies and procedures.

Petty Cash:

Petty cash is approved for the reimbursement of approved expenditures. All reimbursements must follow District approved guidelines for petty cash expenditures.

Procurement Cards

Purchasing Services, in cooperation with Financial Services, may issue procurement cards to authorized employees. The cards may be used for small purchases within restricted dollar and commodity limits established by Purchasing Services and the building principal or department director. All procurement cardholders must comply with the terms and conditions of the cardholder handbook and agreement as approved by Purchasing Services.

Emergency Purchases

If a condition develops which is likely to result in immediate physical injury to persons, damage to district property or significant financial loss to the district if action is not taken immediately, limited emergency purchases can be made without following the competitive bid procedures if the superintendent or designee so authorizes.


Sales representatives shall be required to transact their business with the Purchasing Department only and are not permitted in schools or other departments for the purpose of making sales without the prior approval from our central Purchasing Department and/or the Site Manager/Principal.

Revised June 6, 1988
Revised August 3, 1988
Revised June 20, 2001
Revised November 17, 2004
Revised April 15, 2015

Legal references

C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1) (b)

Cross references

DJ sub-codes (all pertain to purchasing and purchasing procedures)
GBEA, Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest