DJA, Purchasing Authority
District administrators have responsibility for the management of their areas' or schools' budgets. An administrator may designate other district staff as authorizers on these budget accounts if necessary.
Purchasing authorization levels are established per requisition per budget line item as listed below. No payment for purchases will be made without the appropriate authorizer approval. Only budget owners, or their designees, have the authority to authorize purchases up to their authorization level. Purchases that exceed their level will require further approvals based on the authorization level of the purchase request.
Some purchases may require authorization by more than one administrator due to the nature of the purchase or the source of funding.
Authorization Levels (up to)
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
All authorized purchases shall conform to Policy DJC/DJCA – Purchasing Procedures. Authorized purchases totaling $25,000 and above will require formal bidding procedures, and purchases totaling $50,000 and above shall also be submitted to the Board of Education for approval.
Revision History
- Adopted February 2, 1994
- Revised June 20, 2001
- Revised December 11, 2002
- Revised November 17, 2004
- Revised August 17, 2011
- Revised September 21, 2022
Cross references
DJ/DJD, Purchasing / Cooperative Purchasing
DJC/DJCA, Purchasing Procedures / Petty Cash
DJA-E, Purchasing Authority Procedure/Levels