DN-R, School Properties Disposition Procedure
Real Property
Surplus and/or abandoned real property of the district may be sold in the following manner:
- The Board may declare that real property is surplus and may be sold if that real property may not be needed within the foreseeable future for any purpose authorized by law.
- If the property is sold to a state agency or political subdivision of the state, the declaration in item #1 is not mandated.
- The Board shall order an appraisal or shall otherwise determine the reasonable value of the property prior to sale.
- The Board shall establish a minimum selling price acceptable to the Board. Surplus real property shall be sold upon such terms and conditions as the Board may approve. A legal description must be given of all such property offered for sale.
- The Board of Education may lease school property pending the sale thereof, with or without an option to purchase, and may also, at its discretion, lease school property which is temporarily not needed for the purposes of the district.
- As a general rule, all sales should be by sealed bid or public auction pursuant to an Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposals published at least twice and at least five days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) before the bid opening or auction date in a newspaper of general circulation within the school district. If, in the judgment of the Board of Education, the best interests of the district are served by waiving the competitive bidding requirement, the Board may authorize the sale or other disposition of surplus property upon such terms and conditions as it may approve.
Equipment, Furniture and Materials (Excluding Textbooks and Technology Items)
Any school administrator or department head can declare district assets under their control and responsibility to be surplus and request the disposal of the asset. Upon approval of the superintendent or his designee, such items shall be disposed of in one of the following manners:
- Surplus or obsolete equipment with a new/replacement value of less than $100 may be sold or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the responsible district administrator. These items may be offered without cost to charitable and civic organizations, or disposed of by the most efficient method, without Board approval.
- The disposal of surplus or obsolete equipment with a new/replacement value of greater than $100 shall be coordinated by the purchasing department to ensure the disposal is done in accordance with district policies and ethical standards. Approved methods of disposal are sealed bids, public auction and spot bids. A report of the disposed assets will be forwarded to the Board for information purposes after the cumulative proceeds equal or exceed $5,000 or on an annual basis, whichever period is less.
- Sale of property or equipment with an individual new/replacement value equal to or greater than $10,000 will be sold after approval for the sale has been obtained by the Board. The amounts received for the sale of these items will be forwarded to the Board for information purposes when such sales have been completed.
- The trade-in of equipment as part of a purchase or lease is permitted if the item received or traded in is similar in nature and usage and the transaction is with an established company.
- Proceeds from the sale of surplus equipment shall be returned to the capital reserve fund unless the superintendent authorizes otherwise.
Department and school administrators shall notify the director of media of any textbooks or related material in excess of needs. The director of media shall manage a district book depository and shall be responsible for determining which materials are surplus. Surplus materials shall be disposed of in the following manner:
- Several companies or organizations shall be contacted to review the material and either purchase or remove the material needed.
- The superintendent may authorize the sale or removal of material by the general public as deemed to be in the district’s best interests.
- Books that are not sold shall be shredded and recycled by an outside company.
- Proceeds from the sale of surplus textbooks or related materials shall be returned to the textbook and supplies budget unless the superintendent authorizes otherwise.
Technology Items
Department and school administrators shall notify the director of technology of any computers or related material in excess of needs. The director of technology shall manage a district parts inventory and shall be responsible for determining which materials are surplus. Surplus materials shall be disposed of in the following manner:
- Several companies or organizations shall be contacted to review the material and either purchase or remove the material needed.
- The superintendent may authorize the sale or removal of material by the general public as deemed to be in the district’s best interests.
- Technology items that are not sold or parted out may be offered without cost to charitable and civic organizations, or disposed of by the most efficient method, without Board approval.
- Proceeds from the sale of surplus technology items shall be returned to the technology fund budget unless the superintendent authorizes otherwise.