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ECAF, Use of Video and Audio Monitoring

ECAF, Use of Video and Audio Monitoring

The Board of Education recognizes the District's continuing responsibility to maintain and improve discipline and to promote the health, welfare, and safety of its staff and students in and around District facilities and on District property. These objectives are best implemented with a multifaceted approach. To the extent modern technology provides tools to maintain safety and security, the use of technology such as video surveillance cameras is supported by the Board.

Video surveillance may be utilized in and around schools, on district property, and on school transportation vehicles. Cameras may be equipped with audio recording capabilities as well. The District shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to the use of video surveillance and as related to storing and maintaining video recordings.

The superintendent or designee is directed to develop regulations governing the use of video surveillance in accordance with applicable state and federal law and Board policies and regulations.


Recording of teacher instruction for purposes of completing a licensed personnel performance evaluation is not intended to be covered by this policy and shall not be permitted except as provided by state law. Recording of students for purposes of their educational programming is also not intended to be covered by this policy.

Adoption: June 21, 2023

Legal References

20 U.S.C. §1232g (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974)
34 C.F.R. §99.1 et seq. (FERPA regulations)
C.R.S. 24-72-113 (limit on retention of passive surveillance records)

Cross References

EEAEF, Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles
GBEB, Staff Conduct (And Responsibilities)
JIC, Student Conduct, and subcodes
JK, Student Discipline, and subcodes
JRA/JRC, Student Records/Release of Information on Students

4860 -0930-9245 V. 1