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EEAEC-R, Student Conduct on School Buses (School Bus Conduct Code)

EEAEC-R, Student Conduct on School Buses (School Bus Conduct Code)

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  1. Students at a bus stop must wait a safe distance from the actual pick‑up point until the bus driver opens the doors for boarding.
  2. Passengers shall go to their assigned seats without crowding or pushing and remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  3. Passengers shall not extend arms, legs or head out of the bus windows.
  4. Passengers shall not talk with the driver while the bus is in motion except in an emergency.
  5. Passengers shall not tamper with the emergency doors or windows or any part of the bus equipment.
  6. Passengers shall not mar or deface the bus and its equipment.
  7. Passengers shall not open the bus windows except by the direction of the driver.
  8. Passengers shall not fight or scuffle on the bus or throw objects from the bus windows.
  9. Passengers shall keep books, lunch boxes and similar objects out of the aisle of the bus.
  10. Passengers shall not bring knives, matches, firearms, any dangerous weapons, animals of any kind, glass containers or any other objects that may cause a hazard on a school bus.
  11. Passengers shall not consume foodstuffs or beverages on the bus.
  12. Loud talk and foul language is strictly prohibited.
  13. Smoking or chewing tobacco on the bus is strictly prohibited.
  14. Passengers are to report promptly to the bus driver any damage to the seats or any other parts of the bus near where they are sitting in order that they might not be charged with responsibility for the damage.
  15. Students shall have a signed statement from parents and signed by the school principal before a bus driver will let them on or off at any stop other than their own.
  16. Passengers must remain seated until the bus has come to a complete stop.
  17. Passengers will leave the bus in an orderly manner. Any passenger crossing in front of the bus must clear the bus by at least 10 feet.

Approved prior to 1985
Revised to conform with practice: date of manual adoption
Revised October 6, 1993

Note: Regulation EEAEC-R is also Regulation JICC-R.