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GCI, Professional Staff Development

GCI, Professional Staff Development

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The Board of Education believes that student achievement must drive all professional staff development efforts and that professional development is an indispensable part of overall school improvement. To support these beliefs, the Board is committed to allocating adequate resources, including people, time and facilities, to professional development that is effective.

The Board recognizes the benefits of providing a staff development program that offers inservice courses and appropriate professional growth activities for teachers and administrators. These courses and activities at the district or school level shall address standards for student learning, the goals and priorities for instructional improvement of the district and the needs of individual teachers for professional growth.

The superintendent or designee shall develop a professional development program that:

  • is rigorous, results-based, data-driven and tied to student achievement.
  • is ongoing and an integral part of each professional staff member’s workday.
  • uses a variety of approaches and professional development models.
  • is collaborative, school-centered and involves teachers and administrators in its design.
  • focuses on teachers as central to student learning, yet includes all other members of the school community.
  • focuses on student learning.
  • is rich in academic content, learning processes, current research, materials and technologies.
  • uses the systematic study of student work to improve teaching and learning.
  • occurs in environments of safety, trust and shared problem solving.
  • promotes equity.

The superintendent shall evaluate the effectiveness of the professional development program on
an ongoing basis and modify the program accordingly.

All scheduled dates for staff development programs shall be included on the school calendar.

Adopted prior to 1985
Revised September 6, 1995
Revised May 16, 2012

Legal References

C.R.S. 22-7-407 (2)(e) (district required to develop plan to provide professional educator development in standards-based education)
C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(jj) (board must identify areas where principals need professional development)
C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(n),(z) (board required to determine number of hours/days of school/board required to provide inservice program related to abuse and neglect under Child Protection Act)
C.R.S. 22-32-10 (1)(k) (board has power to adopt policies related to inservice training and professional growth of employees
C.R.S. 22-60.5-110(3)(b) (licensed staff required to complete ongoing professional development which may include programs concerning juvenile mental health issues and awareness and prevention of suicide)
1 CCR 301-1, Rule 2202-R-2.05 (2)

Cross References

ADA, School District Goals and Objectives
AE, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment
AEA, Standards Based Education
IA, Instructional Goals and Learning Objectives
IC/ICA, School Year/School Calendar