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IHAM/IHAMB-R, Health and Family Life/Sex Education (Exemption Procedure)

IHAM/IHAMB-R, Health and Family Life/Sex Education (Exemption Procedure)

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  1. Exemption will be granted from a specific portion of the health education curriculum on the grounds that material taught is contrary to the religious beliefs and teaching or closely held personal beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian. If the request for the exemption is from a specific portion of the health education curriculum that concerns human sexuality, no reason must be given by the parent/guardian when requesting the exemption.
  2. A request for exemption must be submitted in writing to the principal and teacher in advance of instruction of that portion of the curriculum for which the exemption is requested.
  3. The principal will confer with the teacher to determine the length of time a student will be exempt. The teacher will develop at alternative activity for which the student will receive credit.

Adopted October 21, 2009
Revised May 4, 2022