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IHBF, Homebound Instruction

IHBF, Homebound Instruction

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The purpose of homebound instruction is to maintain continuity in the educational process for those students who, because of a temporary illness, medical or mental health condition, cannot attend school for a period greater than three weeks.

The district may provide homebound instruction, as appropriate, when requested by parents and with verification of need by a Medical Doctor (M.D.), Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s Assistant (P.A.), Dentist, or Psychiatrist (“Health Care Provider”).

In each instance the Health Care Provider must certify that the student will be unable to attend school either full or part time. The health care provider shall also be asked to give an estimate of the probable length of the student’s convalescence.

Homebound instruction shall not be delivered inside a student’s home unless there is an adult over the age of twenty-one in the home during the entire session of instruction.

Homebound instruction, although correlated with what the student is missing in the classroom, shall focus on the student’s needs and what the student is capable of doing during the period away from school. Textbooks and supporting materials shall be provided by the appropriate school. The student is responsible for returning all instructional materials and textbooks to the homebound teacher at the conclusion of services.

Students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan may also require homebound instruction when, because of a temporary illness, medical or mental health condition, they cannot attend school for a period greater than three weeks. In many cases, an interim or contingency learning plan will set forth the way the child’s free appropriate public education will be delivered while the child is temporarily out of school. However, nothing shall prevent a child’s IEP/504 team from reconvening to review and update the child’s plan to address the child’s individual educational needs in the temporary homebound setting. If the child’s Health Care Provider or a District reevaluation concludes the child’s illness or condition is not temporary, then the IEP/504 team may consider a change to the child’s educational placement upon consideration of a reevaluation consistent with the requirements of law.

Qualifications of the Homebound Teacher

The teacher of homebound students shall hold a valid Colorado teaching certificate and be approved by the Department of Human Resources.

Adopted November 4, 2009
Revised September 21, 2022

Legal References

  • C.R.S. 22-33-104 (2) (i) (Compulsory School Attendance)