JLCB, Immunization of Students
The Board directs the superintendent or designee(s) to annually provide parents/guardians of each student enrolled in the district a copy of the standardized immunization document developed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The standardized immunization document includes a list of required and recommended immunizations and the age at which each immunization should be given, the school’s specific immunization and exemption rates for the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine for the school’s enrolled student population for the previous year compared to the vaccinated children standard, and a statement that the school is required to collect and report the information, but the school does not control the school’s specific immunization rates or establish vaccinated children standard.
No student is permitted to attend or continue to attend any school in this district without meeting the legal requirements of immunization against disease unless the student has presented one of the following as provided by law:
- a written authorization signed by a parent/guardian requesting local public health officials administer the immunization;
- a certificate of medical exemption;
- a certificate of completion of the online education module administered by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment; or
- a certificate of nonmedical exemption.
Students who do not submit an up-to-date certificate of immunization or a written authorization signed by one parent/guardian requesting local health officials to administer the immunizations or a valid certificate of medical or nonmedical exemption will be suspended and/or expelled from school according to this policy’s accompanying regulation.
All information distributed to parents/guardians by the district will inform them of their rights to seek an exemption from immunization requirements.
Adopted prior to 1985
Revised to conform to practice - date of manual adoption
Revised August 6, 1997
Revised December 10, 2003
Reviewed May 5, 2010
Revised April 18, 2012
Revised April 6, 2022
Legal References
C.R.S. 22-32-140 (annual distribution of standardized immunization document required)
C.R.S. 22-33-106 (grounds for suspension, expulsion or denial of admission)
C.R.S. 25-4-901 et seq. (school entry immunizations)
6 CCR 1009-2 (school immunization requirements)
Cross References
JF, Student Admissions to School
JFABE, Students in Foster Care
JHD, Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance
JKD/JKE, Classroom Removal Suspension/Expulsion/Denial of Admission
JRA/JRC, Student Records – Release of Information on Students
Note: See State Department of Health regulations.