KB-R, Standards for Family/School Partnership in Education
Standards Supporting Student Achievement
District and school professionals, parents/guardians, families, and community partners engage in trusting, positive, respectful, and purposeful relationships in order to improve educational outcomes for students.
- District and school professionals work proactively to build and maintain trusting relationships with parents/guardians, families, and community partners to support student learning and development.
- District and school professionals provide ongoing, multi-directional, meaningful communication about student learning to families and community members, in accessible formats and languages and in a timely and responsive manner.
- District and school professionals provide clear pathways for parents/guardians, families, and community partners to access information that supports student success.
- District and school professionals clearly communicate teaching and learning expectations to parents/guardians, families, and community partners, and collaborate to achieve student, program, school, and district goals.
Families, district and school professionals, and community partners actively collaborate to support students’ learning at home, school and in other environments through a tiered system of supports. Information is shared about student-level, school-level, and district-level progress.
- District and school professionals, parents/guardians, families, and community partners work together to create a positive, supportive learning environment.
- District and school professionals, parents/guardians, families, and community partners share strategies that support student learning.
- District and school leaders support parents/guardians, families and community partners in building confidence and competence in their roles as partners in student learning.
Standards Supporting an Inclusive and Supportive Culture
District and school leaders and professionals create, maintain and actively participate in an inclusive culture that respects and affirms the realities experienced by parents/guardians, families and community partners.
- District and school professionals welcome, value, respect and authentically inquire about families’ and community partners’ lived experiences, and use that knowledge to inform policy, practice, and interaction.
- District and school professionals, in partnership with families and stakeholders, model and actively participate in the creation of a welcoming, inclusive environment built on honesty, trust, mutual respect, and collaboration.
- District and school professionals connect parents/guardians, families and community partners to resources for educational advancement, economic mobility, physical and mental health services, housing and food assistance, and other support services.
- District and school leaders proactively engage stakeholder groups that are representative of our student population.
District and school professionals collaborate with parents/guardians, families and community partners to ensure educational systems welcome, affirm, and support all family structures, (sizes, arrangements, and the unique cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds) so that parents/guardians, families and community partners feel valued and connected to each other, to school and district professionals, and to the learning lives of students.
- District and school professionals strive to offer flexible options for parents/guardians, families, and community members to engage with the school and the district, as well as formal and informal social networks and groups. Communication about these options is offered in accessible formats and languages and in a timely and responsive manner.
- District and school professionals provide safe, inclusive, and supportive environments in which diversity, (including learning and participation needs of parents/guardians, families, and community members), is recognized, affirmed, and respected.
- District and school professionals actively seek the involvement of parents/guardians, families, and community partners that reflect the diversity of the student body in decision-making processes, to inform school-level and district-level decisions, particularly those involving the narrowing of opportunity gaps.
- District and school professionals identify, reduce, and address barriers that prevent parents/guardians, families and community partners from engaging with schools.
Standards Supporting the Development of Human Talent
District and school leaders provide capacity-building opportunities for parents/guardians, families, district and school professionals, and community members that promote shared leadership and focus on educational outcomes for students.
- District and school leaders use the strengths, knowledge, and assets of parents/guardians, families and community members to increase collective capacity and improve district and school programs.
- District and school leaders create, support and maintain high-quality, ongoing professional development throughout the system, with the goal of increasing culturally responsive practices, family/community engagement, and ensuring multi-directional communication with parents/guardians, families and community partners.
District and school professionals, parents/guardians, families and community partners collectively participate in decisions that affect students, families, and community members to inform, influence, and create policies, practices, and programs. Parents/guardians, families, and community partners share responsibility in problem-solving processes.
- District and school professionals provide and/or promote opportunities for parents/guardians, families, and community members to learn together and develop leadership skills in school contexts.
- District and school professionals, parents/guardians, families, and community members work together to learn how to make partnerships more meaningful and productive.
- District and school professionals regularly seek student, family, and community member input with regard to school climate, individual classroom experiences, interactions with district professionals, and perceptions regarding the district.
- District and school professionals regularly conduct needs assessments and satisfaction/feedback surveys on a variety of topics related to family and community engagement.
District and school leaders engage and support parents/guardians and families to be advocates for their own and other students, to increase equity and access.
- District and school leaders regularly provide families and community members with information about their rights and responsibilities, how school systems operate, and how to raise questions and concerns.
- District and school leaders engage and support parents/guardians, families, and community members to advocate for their students and participate in decision-making and policy development, to improve student safety, health, development, and learning experiences.
- District and school leaders provide a system for families and community members to ask questions, voice concerns, offer recommendations for improvement, and file complaints.
Standards Supporting the Responsible Stewardship of Resources
District professionals, parents/guardians, and families collaborate with community partners (e.g., businesses, organizations, institutions of higher education) to connect students, parents/guardians, families, and district professionals to expand learning opportunities, community services, and civic participation.
- District and school professionals collaborate with parents/guardians, families, and community members to identify and integrate opportunities, resources, and services within the community to strengthen school programs, family/community engagement, and student learning and development.
- District and school professionals partner with parents/guardians and families to engage community members, including those who do not have TSD students, as partners and active stakeholders.
- District and school professionals connect parents/guardians and families with meaningful support networks, peer-to-peer groups, and volunteer opportunities within the community at large.
District and school professionals dedicate necessary resources to integrate and elevate partnering practices.
- District and school leaders implement evidence-based practices to cultivate and sustain family, school, and community partnerships.
- District and school professionals regularly evaluate and improve the variety, relevance, and accessibility of community resources, and collaborate with community partners regarding needed changes.
- District and school leaders evaluate, direct, and allocate resources in an equitable manner to narrow family and community engagement gaps as well as access and opportunity gaps for families and community members.
Adopted September 18, 2013
Revised March 23, 2022