KHC-R, Guidelines for Distribution/Posting of Non-Curricular Promotional Material to Students
Upon prior approval, distribution/posting of non-curricular promotional material to students on school campuses shall be allowed unless the material is deemed “unacceptable” as follows:
- “Hate” literature that scurrilously attacks sexual orientation, or ethnic, religious or any racial groups
- Material that promotes hostility, disorder or violence
- Material designed for commercial purposes, i.e., advertising a product or service for sale or rent
- Material that is libelous, invades the rights of others or inhibits the functioning of the school, or advocates interference with the rights of any individual or with the normal operation of the school
- Material that is obscene or pornographic as defined by prevailing community standards throughout the district
Electronic Distribution Request
The person(s) requesting distribution of non-curricular promotional material must submit a completed electronic form for electronic distribution approval by the communication and community resources (CCR) department at least 10 business days prior to the desired distribution. The form must include the essential details of the event and the requestor’s contact information. The submitted information will be used to enter event/activity information on the district and/or school website. An electronic flier can be submitted with the form and, if approved, linked to the electronic posting.
Request to Post Materials in Schools
Individual printed postings/posters may be allowed at designated school sites if prior approval by the CCR department has been received. The person(s) requesting approval to post materials in schools must submit a completed electronic form as well as a copy of the information proposed for posting. All posted material MUST contain the following statement:
The Thompson School District neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this document, if approved. The person(s) requesting approval is responsible for supplying all copies to be distributed.
Waiver to Distribute Materials in Schools
The CCR department may allow distribution of printed non-curricular promotional materials to the schools through comprehensive infrequent publications (e.g., City of Loveland or Berthoud recreation guides on a quarterly basis, or Parent Magazine, which allows for groups to list youth activities on a monthly basis). The person(s) requesting approval is responsible for supplying all copies to be distributed.
Additional Information
- Once permission is granted, distribution/posting of materials at the individual schools will be at the discretion of the principal.
- Distribution of printed materials must be made at places within the school or on school grounds as designated by the principal except that in no event may such materials be distributed in any classroom being occupied by a regularly scheduled class.
- Students may not be used as the agents for distribution of such materials. Distribution of approved materials to schools will be done by the requesters. Materials aimed at specific curriculum areas (i.e., history and art contests) will be turned over to the executive directors of elementary and secondary education for consideration.
- No student may in any way be compelled or coerced to accept any materials being distributed by any person distributing such materials or by a school official. In the alternative, if the principal has approved the material for distribution, no school official or student may interfere with the distribution of approved materials.
Any person(s) who has been denied approval for distribution of non-curricular promotional materials will have the right to appeal the decision to the superintendent or designee. The appeal will be processed as follows:
- Within 10 days after the denial, written notice must be received in the superintendent’s office from the aggrieved party or parties requesting a hearing.
- A hearing will be scheduled within 10 working days of the filing of a hearing request.
- The aggrieved party or parties must attend the meeting prepared to defend distribution of the material.
- A written decision will be issued within five working days following the hearing and the decision will be final.
Violation of any of these regulations will be sufficient cause for denial of the privilege to distribute materials at future dates, subject to the right of appeal.
The superintendent shall proceed through the courts of law to obtain injunctive relief and damages, where applicable, for any unauthorized distribution of printed or electronic non-curricular promotional materials.
Revision History
- Adopted March 20, 2002
- Revised August 18, 2010
- Revised August 21, 2013