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Purchasing Buying and Bidding Methods

The District utilizes informal and formal buying and bidding methods to purchase goods and services. Award will not always be made based on price alone. Other factors such as quality, availability, value-added services and vendor past performance will also be taken into consideration before an award is made.

  1. Procurement Cards
    Purchasing Services, in cooperation with Business Services, may issue procurement cards to authorized employees to be used for small purchases within restricted dollar and commodity limits. These purchase requests do not require competitive bidding.

  2. Request for Quotation
    A Request for Quotation is an informal or semi-formal document used by the District to request offers to award contracts for an estimated value of at least $1,500 but not over $10,000 when sealed bidding is not practicable or advantageous. The Request for Quotation consists of specific instructions to bidders, specifications for each line item, and applicable terms and conditions of the awarded contract. A time and date deadline may be assigned to the bid. Contracts can be awarded by line item or on an all-or-none basis. There is no advertising or District Board of Education approval required.

  3. Request for Information (RFI)
    A Request For Information document is used to further research and obtain specific information from vendors on a particular item or service. This document may also serve as a prerequisite for vendor participation in a specific Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal to be issued at a later date.

  4. Invitation to Bid
    An Invitation to Bid request is a document used to initiate formal competitive sealed bidding. Competitive sealed bidding is the District's preferred method of awarding contracts for an estimated value of $10,000 or greater. The Invitation to Bid consists of detailed, specific instructions to bidders, and specifications for each line item; a reasonable time and date deadline is assigned to the bid. Contracts can be awarded by line item or on an all-or-none basis. Invitation to Bid packages are opened publicly by the Buyer on the due date and time stated on the bid. Vendors are always welcome to attend the bid opening. Information on bid awards will be available within a few days after the opening. You may call the Purchasing Department for results during regular business hours.

  5. Request for Proposal (RFP)
    A Request for Proposal is a document utilized for the procurement of services (consulting services, etc.) or when competitive sealed bidding is not practicable because technical and performance capability must be evaluated. The RFP will specify the evaluation factors to be used and contained or incorporated by reference and other applicable contractual terms and conditions. In contrast to competitive bidding, the procedure permits negotiation of proposals and prices. Requests for Proposal close on the due date and time designated on the RFP documents and are not subject to public opening. Proposals are then reviewed for acceptance by the Purchasing Department before being evaluated by District committee.

  6. Cooperative Purchasing
    For the purpose of increasing efficiency and/or reducing administrative expenses, the District may join and participate in cooperative procurement agreements with one or more public agencies. The District may participate in or purchase goods and services through contracts awarded by other governmental agencies when the contract is based on competitive principles and the pricing is determined to be in the District's best interests.

  7. Discount Pricing Agreements
    The purpose of a pricing agreement is to establish a contractual relationship between the District and a vendor for the purchase of items at a percentage discount off published catalog, price lists or retail pricing. The discount terms offered through the agreement are extended for use district-wide. Vendors offering percentage discounts of at least 20% will be designated with favored vendor status for the user to consider when selecting a vendor for a purchase order. The District may at any time supersede the pricing agreement and obtain competitive bids in its best interest.