Purchasing Department
Materials and Procurement Mission Statement Procuring value to the district, taxpayers and business community through fair competition, strong vendor relations and innovative solutions. What Thompson School District R2-J Buys
Thompson School District buys a wide variety of goods and services to support the education process. The purchasing of goods and services is conducted in a variety of ways, from both centralized and decentralized requests. Purchasing of budgeted supplies and materials, capital equipment and services is performed by the Purchasing Department staff. Purchases of a unique nature that meet the needs of the school or unit are done under the direction of either the principal at the school or the director of the unit. The Purchasing staff reviews all purchase order requests for compliance with District purchasing policy. A vast majority of requests are processed through the Purchasing Office without having to meet bidding requirements. These requests are most often processed as a procurement card transaction. Vendor Guide
The Vendor Guide is designed to explain the policies and procedures for purchasing materials, supplies, equipment and services for Thompson School District R2-J. It is the intent of the Purchasing Department to distribute this information to vendors so they are familiar with what the District buys, key contact people, and the overall logistics of doing business with the District in order to promote vendor participation in the procurement process. Purchasing by and for the School District must be conducted fairly and opportunity given to all who desire to participate in the procurement process.
Board of Education Approved Purchasing Methods
The Thompson School District Board of Education approved purchasing methods are purchase orders, petty cash and procurement cards. A purchase order is required whenever credit is being extended to the District by a vendor regardless of dollar amount. The purchase order should adhere to all District approved purchasing policies and procedures.
Purchasing Department Function
The purchasing function shall be to buy the product required for the intended purpose that in the course of its use over time will be the most economical and efficient product. The mission of the Purchasing Department is to support the educational goals and objectives in Thompson School District by making every effort to receive optimum value for the dollars spent through sound purchasing procedures. This goal is facilitated by ensuring a supply of necessary merchandise and services is provided to District schools and units at the highest possible value for the lowest possible cost. It is the intent of the Purchasing Department:
- To conduct all procurements in accordance with applicable Thompson School District R2-J School Board Purchasing Policy and Procedures
- To maximize competition and provide all interested and qualified vendors with the opportunity to offer their products or services to the School District
- To treat all vendors fairly
- To form a partnership with vendors to ensure the best quality for our schools
Conflict of Interest
No favoritism shall be extended to any vendor. All employees of the District will exercise sound judgment in avoiding conflicts of interest or the appearance of impropriety in dealing with vendors. Gifts, or gratuities of other than nominal value or which might obligate a District employee in any manner shall be politely and firmly refused. Any vendor or bidder who offers items in excess or in violation of the spirit of these guidelines may be disqualified indefinitely.
No person officially connected with or employed by the District shall be an agent or be in any way pecuniary or beneficially interested in, or receive any compensation or reward of any kind from any vendor, for the sale of supplies, material, equipment or services to the District without the express prior written consent of the Board of Education. All bidders must disclose with theirproposal the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the district. No district employee and no firm owned in whole or in part by a district employee, will be allowed to sell to the district or to students of the district, goods or services of any kind without the expressed prior approval of the Board of Education.
Non Solicitation Policy
Sales representatives shall be required to transact their business with the Purchasing Department only, and are not permitted in schools or other departments for the purpose of making sales without prior approval from our central purchasing department and/or the Site Manager/Principle.