Purchasing Procedures
The Purchasing Team (M&P) will review or solicit all purchase requests to ensure sound purchasing procedures are followed and adequate pricing comparisons were obtained before submission to the appropriate administrator for authorization. Whenever possible, at least one quote shall be obtained from a local vendor. Board approved purchasing methods are purchase orders, procurement cards and petty cash. In order to comply with Board purchasing policy, the following requirements are provided.
- Small Dollar Purchases
Competitive bidding is not required. The purchase of any item with a unit cost of less than $1500 and orders totaling less $3000 that include individual items under the $1500 unit cost shall be processed as a procurement card transaction* or a purchase order assigned. Buying from cooperative purchasing contracts and discount pricing agreements are encouraged. Desired vendors must be on file, including a W-9 with the Thompson School District. * All procurement cardholders must comply with the terms and conditions of the cardholder handbook and agreement.
- Purchases greater than $1500 unit cost or greater than $3000 cumulative
Three telephone quotes or written quotes must be obtained for the purchase of any individual item above $1500 unit cost and for any cumulative order totaling more than $3000, not to exceed $5,000. These purchase requests are to be reviewed or solicited by the M&P Team.
- Purchases greater than $5,000
Purchases totaling over $5,000 require the receipt of at least three written quotations, if reasonably available. All written quotations are to be reviewed or solicited by the M&P Team.
- Purchases greater than $25,000
Total purchases over $25,000 and above shall be made only after a formal bidding procedure. Public notice of the solicitation of bids shall be made in a newspaper used for publication of district notices unless the Board waives such formal bidding procedure at a public meeting. The purchasing department staff shall facilitate all formal bids. Unless otherwise provided by resolution, all contracts for $50,000 or more shall first be authorized by the Board. The Board shall award contracts as a result of documentation provided by the superintendent or his designee. However, the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids in whole or in part and to accept that bid which appears to be in the best interest of the district.
- Purchased Services
All purchased services requests shall either be reviewed or solicited by the M&P Team. Services totaling less than $5,000 will be authorized after receipt of a written proposal and a purchase order number assigned. Purchased services totaling over $5,000 will not be authorized without the receipt of at least three written quotations, if reasonably available. A Request for Quotation, Invitation to Bid, or Request for Proposal process may be used for these orders, subject to M&P Team review.
- Emergency Purchases
If a condition develops that is likely to result in immediate physical injury to persons, damage to District property or significant financial loss to the District if action is not taken immediately, limited emergency purchases can be made without following the competitive bid procedures if the superintendent or designee so authorizes.
- Sole Supplier Justification
In some instances, where there is a single supplier of a specific item, the bid and price quotation procedure may be waived with the approval of the superintendent or designee after other requirements of Board policy are adequately met. All requests for purchase of a product or service from a single vendor must first be authorized by the appropriate administrator and forwarded to the superintendent or designee for approval. When there is a request to purchase a specific product or to use a specific vendor, the following detailed information will be required: Unique features of the product must be identified; If there are other similar products available, the reasons must be described why those products do not meet District needs; If maintenance costs or service considerations are an issue, evidence of past service problems or benefits must be obtained.
Non Solicitation Policy
Sales representatives shall be required to transact their business with the Purchasing Department only, and are not permitted in schools or other departments for the purpose of making sales.