Trade Practices and Vendor Relations
The District's Board of Education expects Administration to make every effort to receive optimum value for the dollars spent through sound purchasing procedures. In addition to purchase price, the concept of optimum value encompasses such factors as warranty, future availability, product testing results, local services, maintenance cost, future trade-in value or replacement availability, financial terms for non-cash purchases, availability of training courses, aesthetics, costs of operation, and safety and health features.
General Bidding Conditions
Bidders shall thoroughly read the specifications and shall examine any drawings that may be incorporated into the bid documents. As bid documents frequently change for each solicitation, veteran bidders shall not assume that every solicitation contains the same terms and conditions that were supplied in prior solicitations. The district is not obligated to identify either minimal or substantial modifications to bid documents. Bidders are required to state exactly what they intend to furnish to the district within a solicitation and must indicate any variances to the terms, conditions, and specifications no matter how slight. If variations are not stated in the bidder's proposal, it shall be construed that the proposal fully complies with all conditions identified in the solicitation.
Bid Proposal Clarification and Modification Requests
If any bidder contemplating submitting a proposal under any solicitation is in doubt as to the true meaning of the specifications, the bidder must submit a written request for clarification to the Purchasing Department. The bidder submitting the request will be responsible for ensuring that the District receives the request at least five (5) calendar days prior to the scheduled bid due date. The District shall not be responsible for verbal interpretations offered by employees of the District who are not agents of the District's Purchasing Office.
Bid proposals may only be modified in the form of a written notice on company letterhead and must be received prior to the specified due date and time deadline. Each modification submitted to the District's Purchasing Office must have the bidder's name and return address and the applicable Bid Number and title of the bid clearly marked on the face of the envelope. If more than one modification is submitted, the modification bearing the latest date of receipt by the District's Purchasing Office will be considered the valid modification.
Submission of Bids
The district's Bid Proposal Form must be used when submitting a bid proposal and any supplemental documentation required shall be furnished by the bidder and be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to Thompson School District's Purchasing Office. The bidder shall include its name and address on the outside of the envelope.
Bid Proposals submitted via facsimile machines may be accepted under mitigating circumstances provided, however, that the bidder obtains verbal approval from the District Buyer prior to the transmission of the facsimile. The original Bid Proposal must be received by mail or hand delivered to the Purchasing Office within five business days after the date and time of the bid opening. Original Bid Proposals submitted after the five business day period shall be considered non-responsive thereby invalidating the facsimile transmission.
Late bid proposals will not be accepted or considered. Bid proposals received after the scheduled due date and time deadline shall be considered non-responsive and returned unopened to the bidder. Bid proposals submitted via facsimile that are transmitted after the due date and time shall be considered non-responsive and transmitted back to the bidder. It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that the bid arrives by the time and at the place indicated. While we recognize unforeseen circumstances can cause delays, all bid requests delivered after the due date and time deadline MUST be disqualified.
Awarding of Bids
Bids will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose bid is most advantageous in price, conformity to the specifications and other specified criteria as determined by the Purchasing Department to be in the best interest of the District. Thompson School District R2-J is interested in supporting the local business community. Local merchants will not receive preferential consideration with regards to price, availability, or quality. If all established criteria are met and there is a tie, however, the local vendor will be awarded the order. The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, and to accept that bid which appears to be in the best interest of the School District.
The District shall award a contract to a bidder through the issuance of a Purchase Order. The General Terms and Conditions, the Special Conditions, any Technical Specifications, the Bidder's Proposal, and the Purchase Order are collectively an integral part of the contract between Thompson School District R2-J and the successful bidder. Accordingly, these documents shall constitute a binding contract without further action by either party.
Warranty/Manufacturer's Recommendations
Equipment, supplies/materials, and/or services furnished under any purchase order issued by Thompson School District R2-J shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the bidder gives to any customer for such equipment, supplies/materials and services. All warranty information and certificates shall be furnished and become the property of the District upon delivery of said items and all rights and remedies stated in the warranties must be honored by the bidder or his manufacturer. All items shall be new manufacture unless otherwise specifically stated or called for in the bid process. All products offered must have passed the first line quality standard as set by the manufacturer and no seconds, blemished articles, or items containing defective workmanship are included.
Tax Exempt Status and Payment Procedures
Thompson School District R2-J is exempt from manufacturer's federal and state sales tax. A copy of the district's tax-exempt certificate will be provided upon request. Standard payment terms of the district are Net 30 Days. No payment for goods or services shall be made without an original, itemized invoice showing the name of the person or firm to whom payment is due and a receiving document bearing the signature of an authorized School District employee. The invoice, receiving report, and purchase order will be reviewed to ensure they are in agreement.
Lease/Purchase, Installment Purchase
The procurement process for rental with the option to buy, lease/purchase, or installment purchase of any materials or equipment shall be performed by the Purchasing Department according to the guidelines for competitive procurement of goods and within all Tabor Amendment requirements. Multi-year financial commitments require District Board of Education approval and contracts shall not be valid if approved in any other manner and/or by any other District official.
Gratuities and Conflict of Interest
No favoritism shall be extended to any vendor. All employees of the District will exercise sound judgment in avoiding conflicts of interest or the appearance of impropriety in dealing with vendors. Gifts or gratuities of other than nominal value or which might obligate a District employee in any manner shall be politely and firmly refused. Any vendor or bidder who offers items in excess or in violation of the spirit of these guidelines may be disqualified indefinitely.
No person officially connected with or employed by the District shall be an agent or be in any way pecuniary or beneficially interested in, or receive any compensation or reward of any kind from any vendor, for the sale of supplies, material, equipment or services to the District without the express prior written consent of the Board of Education. All bidders must disclose with their proposal the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the District. No District employee and no firm owned in whole or in part by a District employee will be allowed to sell to the District, or to students of the District, goods or services of any kind without the expressed prior approval of the Board of Education.