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Innovation Labs

Traditional computer labs used to have the purpose of exposing students to information technology when few options existed. As more technology access was provided within the classroom, the general computer skills labs began to lose their relevance. Most students learn computer skills within the context of learning with their teachers. All students have 1:1 access to a computing device, so a lab is no longer needed as the main place to utilize computers. Our labs are being redesigned to provide access to CTE pathways or specialized technology that supplements the students’ standard devices and gives teachers creative ways to facilitate learning.

As part of updating our technology, schools will select modules to install based on space requirements and alignment with their curriculum. Old equipment will be pulled and redeployed or retired.

TSD is fortunate to work with many business partners to help fund innovative learning models. We are proud to work with:

I.T.S. also has an innovation space located at the SSC; please work with our Implementation Specialists to learn about the equipment or just see it in action.