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Software Solutions and Systems Integration Team

The ITS Software Solutions and System Integrations department supports Infinite Campus and software development for the Thompson School District. This team is also responsible for managing software and integration, which requires student information and access to data stored within Infinite Campus and other software. This team supports:

  • ~1,300 staff members
  • ~15,000 students
  • Parents and Guardians
  • TSD State reporting staff to ensure data integrity and availability
  • TSD ITS Help desk software development
  • Support of system integrations to allow data to be utilized by software used by students every day

The Software Solutions team is a team of highly skilled, dedicated professionals who ensure the access and support of one of the most utilized software system in the district. Our software programmers ensure that systems are available and able to communicate effectively. 

We support...

State Reporting

ITS Help Desk Software Development

System Integrations

Student Information System


Ronda Hanson

Ronda Hanson

Manager of Software Solutions and Dev Ops

Student Information Systems

Infinite Campus Help Desk: 970-613-5102

  • Evan Ferguson
    Infinite Campus Courses, Schedules, and Teacher Grade Book Support
  • Tiana Wales
    Infinite Campus Administration

Software Engineers

Project Coordination

  • Dougy Wond