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English Language Development


Megan Edmiston

Megan Edmiston, Ed.D.
Coordinator - English Language Development

Julie Sullivan

Julie Sullivan
Teacher on Special Assignment


Mission Statement

The English Language Development (ELD) program is committed to providing multilingual learners access to equitable education. As a staff, we have high expectations for our students and ourselves. In partnership with our growing population of multilingual learners and their families, we strive to provide effective and inspiring standards-based English language instruction in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. We believe in the empowerment of all students and staff through an education that includes an understanding of, and value for, diversity.

Vision Statement

The English Language Development program holds the following core beliefs:

  • Our main purpose is to improve the academic achievement of multilingual learners.
  • Effective language instruction accelerates the development of the English language.
  • Student assessment data must be used to provide effective instruction.
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse students bring many assets to the learning process that must be affirmed and developed during instruction.
  • Academic growth is facilitated in conjunction with family and community support.
  • Our staff members must have a devotion to diverse students and a dedication to a culture of excellence.

Curriculum and Assessment

The Thompson School District utilizes a variety of print and digital curricula to develop proficiency in English. These curricula are literature-based, designed for multilingual learners, and aligned with grade-level WIDA English Language Profiency standards and grade-level Common Core State Standards. As a member of the WIDA Consortium, Colorado provides annual English language proficiency assessment utilizing WIDA ACCESS 2.0 In addition, the Thompson School District monitors students' progress in English language proficiency twice annually utilizing WIDA MODEL.