Consolidated Federal Application Feedback
Consolidated Federal Application Feedback
On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), was signed into law. ESSA reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of the United States, and provides a much anticipated opportunity to improve achievement outcomes for all students through programs supported with Titles I, II, III, and IV funding.
Under ESSA, the Colorado Department of Education is required to collect local school district plans that address the requirements of the law, and include descriptions of the activities the local district will implement with its Title I, II, III, and IV allocations. This plan is called the Consolidated Federal Application, and is revised and renewed annually, based on needs identified in schools across our district.
ESSA also requires that school districts involve stakeholders in the planning, development, and monitoring of those educational improvement plans. The Thompson School District develops, reviews, and revises our annual Consolidated Federal Application in partnership with teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, specialized instructional support personnel, charter school leaders, parents, and community partners. This review process includes an examination of identified needs, development of planned actions, decisions about funds allocation, and the evaluation of previous improvement efforts.
Before submission of the Consolidated Federal Application, the Thompson School District must afford a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the plan and consider such comment as part of the development process.
Click a link below to view the Proposed 2022-23 Consolidated Federal Application and leave your feedback
Proposed 2023-24 TITLE IV
Estimated Preliminary Allocation: $148,023
Instructional Program (40%)
Well Rounded Education; Student Programs MS+HS
Support Program (~30%)
Student AP and IB Assessments; Safe/Healthy Schools
Improvement of Instruction (~5%)
Technology Integration; Staff Training and Professional Development
Equitable Participation of Charter Schools and Eligible Non-Public Schools (~23%)
Well-Rounded Education; Safe and Healthy Schools; Technology Integration
Indirect (~2%)
Centralized Systems for Fiscal Oversight and Management
Please Provide Your Feedback
Above you will find a snapshot of the proposed Title IV plan for 2023-24. We value your feedback. All comments are anonymous. If you prefer not to share your comments via email, the TSD Board of Education sets aside a period of time at each board meeting for members of the community to address the board on any topic they choose. Board meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month (with the exception of July) at 6pm at the district administration office, 800 S Taft, Loveland, CO.
Anonymous . on May 20, 2023
Instructional Program/"Well-Rounded Education": Substance use and exposure to substances is on the rise at an alarming rate, and will take innovative programming to reach middle school and high school students. There must be a lot of initiatives with national programs that could be tapped into (presentations, speakers, young adult guest visitors, local agencies visiting schools, Screenagers presentations). We need to prioritize making some drastic changes in our programming AND monitoring on school campuses re: substance use.
Anonymous . on May 13, 2023
What is Well Rounded Education? Is there a description for this program?
Proposed 2023-24 TITLE IV
Estimated Preliminary Allocation: $148,023PROPOSED CATEGORY
Instructional Program (40%)
Well Rounded Education; Student Programs MS+HS
Support Program (~30%)
Student AP and IB Assessments; Safe/Healthy Schools
Improvement of Instruction (~5%)
Technology Integration; Staff Training and Professional Development
Equitable Participation of Charter Schools and Eligible Non-Public Schools (~23%)
Well-Rounded Education; Safe and Healthy Schools; Technology Integration
Indirect (~2%)
Centralized Systems for Fiscal Oversight and Management
Please Provide Your Feedback
Above you will find a snapshot of the proposed Title IV plan for 2023-24. We value your feedback. All comments are anonymous. If you prefer not to share your comments via email, the TSD Board of Education sets aside a period of time at each board meeting for members of the community to address the board on any topic they choose. Board meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month (with the exception of July) at 6pm at the district administration office, 800 S Taft, Loveland, CO.
Anonymous . on May 20, 2023
Instructional Program/"Well-Rounded Education": Substance use and exposure to substances is on the rise at an alarming rate, and will take innovative programming to reach middle school and high school students. There must be a lot of initiatives with national programs that could be tapped into (presentations, speakers, young adult guest visitors, local agencies visiting schools, Screenagers presentations). We need to prioritize making some drastic changes in our programming AND monitoring on school campuses re: substance use.
Anonymous . on May 13, 2023
What is Well Rounded Education? Is there a description for this program?
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Proposed 2023-24 TITLE III
Estimated Preliminary Allocation: $52,177
Proposed 2023-24 TITLE III
Estimated Preliminary Allocation: $52,177
Instructional Program (34%)
Summer School, Instructional Materials and Supplies
Support Program (42%)
Family Outreach Activities
Improvement of Instruction (22%)
Staff Training and Professional Development Activities
Administration: Federal Program Management (2%)
Federal Compliance Systems and Program Development, Oversight, Coordination and Evaluation
Indirect (2%)
Centralized Systems for Fiscal Oversight and Management
Please Provide Your Feedback
Above you will find a snapshot of the proposed Title III plan for 2023-24. We value your feedback. All comments are anonymous. If you prefer not to share your comments via email, the TSD Board of Education sets aside a period of time at each board meeting for members of the community to address the board on any topic they choose. Board meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month (with the exception of July) at 6pm at the district administration office, 800 S Taft, Loveland, CO.
Anonymous . on May 20, 2023
Would like to see family outreach efforts that are specifically aimed at trying to drawn in participation from culturally diverse and linguistically diverse families. This goes beyond relying on what English Language Department is doing.
Anonymous . on May 13, 2023
It doesn’t seem to be much $. Shouldn’t there be more?
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Proposed 2023-24 TITLE IIA
Estimated Preliminary Allocation: $450,325
Improvement of Instruction (59%)
Professional Learning Coaches, Staff Training and Professional Development
Equitable Participation of Charter Schools and Eligible Non-Public Schools (23%)
Professional Learning Coaches, Staff Training and Professional Development Costs
Administration: Federal Program Management (16%)
Federal Compliance Systems and Program Development, Oversight, Coordination and Evaluation
Indirect (>1%)
Centralized Systems for Fiscal Oversight and Management
Please Provide Your Feedback
Above you will find a snapshot of the proposed Title II plan for 2023-24. We value your feedback. All comments are anonymous. If you prefer not to share your comments via email, the TSD Board of Education sets aside a period of time at each board meeting for members of the community to address the board on any topic they choose. Board meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month (with the exception of July) at 6pm at the district administration office, 800 S Taft, Loveland, CO.
Anonymous . on May 20, 2023
Re: Improvement of Instruction: What can be done to get our students more engaged? It seems that since we have progressively gone to digitally-based learning/assignments, students are less invested, and less challenged (especially since most information can be found on the internet).
Anonymous . on May 14, 2023
What I don’t understand is why Thompson Valley has more than a week less of school than Poudre Valley. Add more school days.
Anonymous . on May 13, 2023
What is the difference from Instructional coach on the first Title I and Professional Learning Coach? I have seen Instructional coaches in each building but I don’t know who the Learning coaches are.
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