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Resources for Schools

NEW! Featured Tool:

Potty PD - Learning in the Loo

Schools may choose to increase teacher capacity around Family, School and Community Partnerships by sharing bite-sized bits of information around various topics and post them in bathroom stalls. Riverview PK-8 recently polled their staff for topics of interest that they wanted more information and understanding about, then developed Potty PD that addresses those needs. Each edition includes a QR for more reading as well as contact info for district support on each topic.

If your school is interested in developing a similar tool, reach out to, the district Family and Community Engagement Coordinator and share your school logo for a personalized template. You can choose from topics that have already been created, or poll your staff for their specific areas of interest and need using a pre-developed form, or create your own!

Do you have staff who would prefer to read in a different language? Reach out and we can provide a translation for your template or ours.

Family, School, and Community Partnerships Practices and Tools

Strive 2025: Student Achievement

District and school professionals, parents/guardians, families, and community partners engage in trusting, positive, respectful, and purposeful relationships in order to improve educational outcomes for students.

District and school professionals, parents/guardians, families and community partners actively collaborate to support students’ learning at home, school and in other environments through a tiered system of supports. Information is shared about student-level, school-level, and district-level progress.

Strive 2025: Inclusive and Supportive Culture

District and school leaders and professionals create, maintain and actively participate in an inclusive culture that respects and affirms the realities experienced by parents/guardians, families and community partners.

District and school professionals collaborate with parents/guardians, families and community partners to ensure educational systems welcome, affirm, and support all family structures, (sizes, arrangements, and the unique cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds) so that parents/guardians, families and community partners feel valued and connected to each other, to school and district professionals, and to the learning lives of students.

Strive 2025: Human Talent

District and school leaders provide capacity-building opportunities for parents/guardians,  families, district and school professionals, and community members that promote shared leadership and focus on educational outcomes for students.

Bite-Sized PD for Staff

District and school professionals, parents/guardians, families and community partners collectively participate in decisions that affect students, families, and community members to inform, influence, and create policies, practices, and programs. Parents/guardians, families, and community partners share responsibility in problem-solving processes.

District and school leaders engage and support parents/guardians and families to be advocates for their own and other students, to increase equity and access.

Strive 2025: Stewardship of Resources

District professionals, parents/guardians, and families collaborate with community partners (e.g. businesses, organizations, institutions of higher education) to connect students, parents/guardians, families, and district professionals to expand learning opportunities, community services, and civic participation.

District and school professionals dedicate necessary resources to integrate and elevate partnering practices.

