Attendance, Health, and Safety Guidelines
Good health is essential to learning. The Thompson School District is committed to the health and safety of all students. School health offices are staffed by highly-trained health assistants who are supervised by school nurses. School nurses are regularly scheduled at multiple school sites and partner with parents and health care providers to design and implement the health services provided to all students.
School health services are meant to augment, not replace, annual health care supervision by your student's primary health care provider. Therefore, the district requests that students entering kindergarten, fourth, seventh, and tenth grades have a physical examination. A physical form is available from your school, on the Thompson School District web site (Health Services Department), and at most local doctors' offices. The examination should be performed by the student's family physician and at no cost to the school district.
Health Screening Procedures
In accordance with state guidelines, students receive hearing and vision screening at selected grade levels (K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9) and by teacher referral. Referrals are then made to the parent/guardian for any students who do not pass the screening. Once a referral has been made, it is necessary that the school nurse obtain a response from the parent or physician. Parents may opt out of vision and hearing screening by contacting the health office at your student’s school. Additional screenings include blood pressure, height and weight, and communicable diseases/conditions on an as-needed basis only.
Medications at School
If at all possible, medications should be given at home. Parents are encouraged to work with their student's health care provider to find a schedule for medications outside the school day. Students requiring medication while at school must have a written authorization from a parent and a physician. Some over-the-counter medications require only a parent's written permission (check with the school for details). Reference: District Policy JLCD.
Only the amount of medication required to be taken at school for the duration of an illness should be sent to school. Medications are kept in the school health office and administered by school personnel. All medication should be sent in proper containers with doctor's/pharmacy label stating the medication name, dosage, time of day, and name of physician and student.
Exclusion from School for Known or Suspected Contagious Illnesses or Conditions
In accordance with state guidelines, students are excluded from school if they have a fever ≥100.4 with symptoms of illness (until fever has been gone for 24 hours without the assistance of fever reducing medications), for vomiting or diarrhea (until 24 hours after the last episode), and until students feel well enough to participate in school and other symptoms of illness are improving. Students may also be excluded for other known or suspected contagious diseases or conditions. See the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's How Sick is Too Sick document for exclusion details.
Parents should call the school attendance line to explain the reason for the absence and list the symptoms of illness that the student is experiencing. In the event the absence is for a known or suspected contagious disease or condition, follow the guidance in the How Sick is Too Sick document. Parents may also speak with the school nurse or health office aide to verify when to return to school.
Note: Students are not excluded for symptoms related to an existing chronic condition, for symptoms that are consistent with the student's baseline wellness, or for symptoms that are explained by a diagnosed condition not requiring the person to stay home. Be sure to keep your student's school health office records up to date with this information to avoid any unnecessary absences or exclusions.
COVID-19 and other Common Respiratory Illnesses such as RSV and Influenza
TSD will follow guidance from the CDC and Larimer County Health Dept. for COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, such as influenza and RSV.
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 or symptomatic individuals suspected of having COVID-19 are advised to stay home and away from others and resume normal activities when symptoms are getting better overall for 24 hours and if a fever was present, it has been gone for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. This replaces previous recommendations to isolate for 5 full days and wear a well-fitting mask days 6-10.
Refer to How Sick is Too Sick for additional information on symptoms, common illnesses, and when to stay home.
Further information and recommendations for management of respiratory illness can be found here.
Special Health Needs
If your student has special health care needs, requires medication or medical treatments during the school day, requires changes to the regular school program or scheduled monitoring, or has a chronic health concern, please contact the school nurse so that we can prepare for the student's entry into school. Some situations require the development of a health care plan and the training of staff to assist your student prior to the first day of attendance. It is extremely important that parents notify the school nurse of their student's health concerns or of any procedure that parents wish staff to employ when managing health concerns at school or during school sponsored activities.
Health updates are requested of parents/guardians on the yearly basis and are needed even if your student does not have a health concern, as this assists us in keeping our records up to date.
A note from a doctor is required if a student needs to be excused from physical education (PE) for any reason or has limitations to physical activities on an ongoing basis (generally greater than five days).
Emergencies at School
It is necessary that the school have at least one current emergency phone number to contact a parent or responsible party.
In accordance with state guidelines, schools may only provide first aid treatment for student emergencies in the school setting. Schools are not equipped to provide advanced emergency care. For this reason, a student needing urgent medical attention will be seen by local emergency medical services (ambulance personnel) and transported to a local emergency facility if needed. Every attempt will be made to contact the parent in such cases. If contact cannot be made, the supervising staff member, the health aide, or the school nurse shall exercise reasonable judgment in acting to address your student's health and safety needs. If the parent cannot provide transportation to seek medical treatment when it is needed or is unable to pick the student up from school when indicated, an ambulance may be called.
School personnel cannot legally permit a student under the age of 12 to go home unattended and/or to an empty house. No sick student will be sent home without the knowledge of the parent, guardian, or other responsible person (see district policies regarding emergency school closings).