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Food Allergy Aware

Food Allergy Aware

The Thompson School District uses a universal food allergy precautions method to provide for the safety and health of all students with food allergies regardless of the exact food to which the student is allergic. This method treats all students as though they may have a life-threatening allergy to all foods that are not their own and is made possible through the efforts of all staff working as a team to ensure that student contact surfaces within the school are thoroughly cleaned after contact with food proteins. Staff members are also trained in recognizing and responding to food allergy reactions; which is equally important in maintaining student safety.

No to foods that you might be allergic to

The Thompson School District does not stock EpiPens or any other student required medication. Parents are encouraged to have their student’s emergency medications at school and available at all times during the school day, at after school events, and for all school sponsored activities. Please contact your school nurse if assistance is needed to obtain emergency medications for school and refer to the Allergy/Anaphylaxis “Universal Food Precautions” Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) for more information.