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Student Support Teams

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Student Support Teams (SSTs)

Summer 2023 TSD Guidance (anticipated publication by: 7/1/2023)

Note: Some of the information below mirrors what is on the DBPSDDM webpage. 

SST guidance doc (Fall 2021)

Family-Partnership Forms

Archive (spring 2019-spring 2023)

Included below are (2) Flow Maps that describe the process of supports for individual student success, which begins with universal instruction. Limited guidance about special education identification is also referenced (in the SST flow map).

Supports for student success and Student Support Team (SST) procedures follow a process that was created by a cross-district leadership group. See the Supporting Student Success Process (flow) map and the SST Process (flow) map for details about how layers of supports should be provided to support individual students and for mechanisms to follow for SSTs. (The flow maps are also included in the guide linked above.)

Student Supports (description)

Leadership teams, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), grade-level or department teams, and other teams may engage in DBPSDM. In addition to those teaming structures, there are teams in schools that are specifically-dedicated to using team-based problem solving for students who may need intensified supports. These teams, typically referred to as Student Support Teams (SSTs) in TSD, exist to ensure individualized student supports are adequately and accurately-provided for students who have identified needs beyond those that are well-managed and supported through universal supports.

Because SSTs are intended for more-intensive support levels, each student should receive best first instruction through meaningful learning experiences prior to an SST engaging in the DBPSDM process for an individual student.

Each class within the school and the school (as a whole), should ensure confidence in a school's efforts, by:

  1. using strengths-based, preventative approaches: seeking to leverage individuals' assets and to "prevent" obstacles to learning by setting up positive conditions for learning - from design through delivery and assessment (or "evaluations of learning");
  2. implementing programs and practices strategically: by following design plans, being strategic, and differentiating, as needed; and
  3. evaluating programming and service delivery, to clarify and verify if what is being done is being done well and as intended (i.e., with fidelity to ensure impact).

And if a student's need(s) persist(s) - after various strategies have been provided, it may be determined that the student could benefit from more intensive supports. The SST would then engage in DBPSDM to clarify what might best meet the student's need(s).

Note: This is not a referral to special education; MTSS DBPSDM, used for the purposes that have been named above, and the use of the problem solving process by SSTs is not "the pathway to special education". The process is a strategic, protocoled method of planning, implementing, and evaluating supports. The process may assist in determining if supplemental supports beyond Universal (Tier 1) fit, but the process may also reveal that effective Tier 1 supports (alone) are indeed sufficient (perhaps, with adequate differentiated adaptations provided in service delivery). 

eduCLIMBER and RtI information

SSTs should put all Student Improvement Plans (SIPs) in eduCLIMBER.

Video tutorial of adding an SIP Smart Form in eduCLIMBER and corresponding PDF of screenshots and slideshow.

For More Information

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