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Family, School, and Community Partnerships

Family, School, & Community Partnering icon is a blue background with 3 hands facing each other, almost touching

Family, School, and Community Partnerships (FSCP)

Summer 2022: MTSS Resources shared with Implementation Teams during training events

FSCP is defined as:

Families, early-childhood programs, schools, and communities actively partnering to develop, implement, and evaluate effective and equitable practices to improve educational outcomes for children and youth. (CDE, 2021)

Partnering Rationale

The rationale for family, school, and community partnering (FSCP) comes from over fifty years of research that shows that partnering works to improve student outcomes (Christenson & Reschly, 2010). Research suggests that students may spend more than seventy percent of their waking hours outside school (Clark, 1990; Callender & Hansen, 2004); that statistic implies that the school is not the sole setting for student learning.

Every stakeholder group benefits from partnering, through ongoing, sustainable, and intentional relationships. Positive impacts include: (a) higher achievement for students; (b) more engaged families; (c) stronger community support for schools; and (d) improved teacher morale and teacher performance (Esler, Godber, & Christenson, 2008).

Partnering Practices

According to research, children do best academically when the “overlapping spheres” of family, school, and community have collaboratively-developed shared goals (Simon & Epstein, 2001). Many of the practices that benefit partnerships (a) allow for access to resources, training, and materials; (b) demonstrate respect for cultural, linguistic, and learning differences; and (c) focus on results.

Effective partnering includes consistent implementation of evidence-based practices, such as: 

Resources for FSCP:

2022 TSD FSCP Policy KB

2022 TSD FSCP Practices (aligned to policy)

  1. Promising Partnership Practicesaccess this website.
  2. State-wide (CDE) framework for FSCP is online, as well.
  3. The TSD Family Partnership Forms for Intervention and Assessment are available on our  TSD MTSS Family Partnership Form page.

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TSD MTSS website: original © Summer 2019, Website Refresh resulting in page reduction/removal: Summer 2023