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TSD MTSS News and Technical Assistance


Phone: 970-613-6833

Degrees and Certifications:

Specializations in: Adult Learning, Educational Coaching, MTSS, PBIS, RtI, FSCP, SEL, inclusive practices, implementation science, project management, communications, and organizational change.

Kim Z. Mannion

The Thompson School District MTSS Coordinator has been Kim Mannion (July 2019 - June 2023), who previously served in the role of MTSS Specialist and Implementation Consultant Coordinator at the Colorado Department of Education (July 2012 - July 2019). The position allowed Ms. Mannion to create content and provide technical assistance to MTSS implementers across Colorado. Prior to that, Ms. Mannion was a district-level RtI and PBIS Facilitator in a nearby district, and before that, she enjoyed several years as an instructional coach and teacher at Berthoud High School. Ms. Mannion gained a passion for supporting educators and the educational system through serving in roles as teacher, trainer, teacher leader, coordinator, data analyst, and instructional and athletic coach in EC-12 settings. As a systems coach, Ms. Mannion capitalizes on a variety of experiences to provide consultation and coordination in the area of MTSS. As a local Thompson School District resident for over 15 years, Ms. Mannion has been committed to the progress and success of TSD!

Personal Professional Profiles:


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TSD MTSS website: original © Summer 2019, Website Refresh resulting in page reduction/removal: Summer 2023