Learning Delivery
Thompson Educational Expectations include Learning Delivery, where learning experiences are student-centered, and opportunity and access is provided so that each learner is included and can excel. All Universal, Targeted, and Intensive supports include:
- Connections to prior learning
- Established routines
- Efficient transitions
- Technology integration
- Stating and revisiting learning targets
- Timely, specific, and actionable feedback
- Skill development and practice application
- Balancing collaboration and independence
- Active educator and family partnering and support
- Adapt instruction to match each student’s needs
- Culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP)
- Differentiation
Culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP) in TSD is an intentional instructional effort to create student choice, voice, and agency in their learning and to ensure delivery of meaningful and relevant learning opportunities for our students. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (Ladson-Billings, 1995, 2014, 2020) has three components:
- Cultural competence- teachers understand their own culture; utilize students' cultures in learning; encourage and support the use of the student's home language; and affirm family’s knowledge and background in their instruction.
- Critical consciousness- teachers and students develop a critical consciousness through which they question the status quo of the current social order by raising questions and possible solutions to social justice and equity concerns.
- Students must experience academic success as demonstrated through ongoing progress monitoring, formative assessments and summative assessments; necessary annual growth; and developing a love of learning.
Learning Delivery is one of the four "Compass Points" of our Thompson Educational Expectations (TEE).
- Staff Resources related to Learning Delivery (TSD Employee login is required to access.)
If you have questions about
the Thompson Educational
Expectations (TEE), please
email: Learning Services.