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Learning Design

Thompson Educational Expectations (TEE) include Learning Design, which covers how to plan for equity, differentiation, learning goals, collaboration, interdisciplinary approaches, and educational technology. It addresses standards and evidence-based practices, and how these impact design in an online setting fostering students who are critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, and self advocates.

This resource supports educators in TSD (employee login required) who are designing learning in a remote learning setting. Similar resources (that require TSD login to access) were created for "Hybrid" models of learning that include both in-person and online options, and for completely "In-Person" learning.

Learning Design is aimed at providing the “why” and “what” of our learning experiences. These files outline best practices, expectations, and resources that help answer the questions:

  • Why are students learning what they are learning?
  • What is critical for this type of learning?
  • How do I know what I will teach?
  • What are critical things to plan for when teaching?
  • What do I need to be mindful of when designing for learning?
Learning Design icon - Orange circle with white text

If you have questions about
the Thompson Educational
Expectations (TEE), please
email: Learning Services