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Fees and Ticket Prices

Students who participate in secondary level athletics and some selected activities are required to pay a fee, which is collected at the school. Students with financial need may request a waiver of the fee through their athletic director. Fees are to be paid or waivers obtained prior to a student's participation in a sport or activity.

Participants who are cut or who quit an activity within 5 practice or school days will be reimbursed the full amount of the fee if reimbursement is requested no later than 10 calendar days after the first practice. Students who participate in an activity at least 10 days will not be reimbursed if they choose to drop out of a program.

Middle School Athletic and Activity Fees

  • $75 per sport participation fee for enrolled students for interscholastic sports
  • $100 per sport participation fee for out-of-district students for interscholastic sports
  • $175 family maximum for middle school 
  • $225 family maximum for out-of-district students 

High School Athletic and Activity Fees

  • $175 per sport participation fee for enrolled students
  • $150 football equipment fee (first-time Thompson School District participants)
  • $225 per sport participation fee for out-of-district students
  • $400 family maximum for high school 
  • $500 family maximum for out-of-district students 

Athletic and Activity Fee Maximum

There is a $575 maximum participation fee per family per school year. The family maximum participation fee for non-enrolled students is $725 per family per school year. This includes participants in both middle and high school programs. Parents should keep track of the athletic/activity fees (i.e. receipts) they and notify the school(s) when the maximum fee has been reached. The football equipment fee does not apply to the family maximum.

Fees will be waived for students qualifying for free or reduced price school meals under the Federal Free or Reduced Price Meal Policy. Students coming on or going off the free or reduced price school meal program during the school term will have fees prorated.

Extracurricular activities (other than athletics) and student organizations may collect fees to cover the cost of specific activities or events.

Athletic Event Ticket Prices

No admission is charged for middle school athletic events except for end-of-the-season tournaments. Admission to these events is $5 for all spectators.

General admission tickets for high school athletic events are $8 for adults and $5 for students. Children six and under are free. All-sports plan tickets are available at Thompson Valley High School, Loveland High School, Berthoud High School and Mountain View High School for all home athletic events. Parents can obtain these tickets at the high school. For more information about prices, contact the school.

A combo ticket (includes attendance at the four high schools) can be purchased at the Administration Building, 800 S. Taft Avenue, Loveland.

Larimer County Senior citizens (65+ years) can obtain a Golden 65 Card which allows them to attend any regular-season, at-home athletic event for free. This does not allow admittance to school theatre productions or other activities. Call the district athletics and activities coordinator at 970-613-5030 for more information.