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Facility Use

The Facility Use Department coordinates all community use of district facilities during non-school hours, including evenings and weekends.

District facilities are made available by the Board of Education (Policy KF) for community use after regular school day hours, when they are not required for after-hour instructional or other school purposes, and when they are not reserved in anticipation of such purposes. The facilities services department provides technical assistance and works with building principals and staff to facilitate the administration of these policies and regulations (KF-R). The building principals and the operations director are responsible for the administration of this policy and regulations as they relate to facility use at their respective sites.


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Effective July 1, 2024,  Facility Use will be accepting online credit card payments via InfiniteCampus (no fees).  Checks are still accepted as a form of payment and may be mailed to the address on the invoice.

Follow the link on your invoice to make a credit card payment.  Click here to view the help document with detailed instructions. 



Facility Use Policies and Regulations