Individuals, groups or organizations applying for the use of school district facilities are subject to the following conditions and procedures:
No individual and/or group will use district facilities (including district fields) without having a completed and approved request for community use of school facilities form. The facility use coordinator, building principal, and/or facilities services manager/director have the responsibility and authority to accept or deny a request.
Reservations/Application Fees
A request for community use of school facilities may be submitted up to one year in advance. These requests will be authorized only after all school events have been scheduled or by authorization of the building principal. The fees must be paid no less than two weeks prior to the event or it will be canceled. Cancellation retainers are outlined in the facility use guide.
Adequate adult leadership and supervision shall be required at all times for activities in which minors are participating. Minors shall be supervised at all times and are to remain in the designated area. The appropriate adult/child ratio shall be discussed prior to approval of all requests. All activities shall be confined to rooms and quarters reserved for its use. This also includes the time before and after the event during which the youth are on school district property. Neither the applicant nor members of his/her group will be admitted to any district building without showing the request. Children will not be permitted in the building without a supervising adult.
School district insurance coverage does not extend to the conduct of community or other groups utilizing school facilities. The district may require a certificate of insurance from the user.
Religious Organizations
School facilities shall be available for religious purposes. Special contract negotiations can be made for the continuous use of a facility by a religious organization to extend a contract one fiscal year per renewal period.
Facility Use of Specialty Areas
Requests to use specialty areas including computer labs, home economics rooms or other spaces with specialized equipment will be evaluated by the principal and facility use coordinator and approved by the facility use manager, if determined to be acceptable, arrangements may be made. Additional fees may be charged for specific equipment used. NOTE: A licensed staff member or technician is required to be present during the use of these areas to protect the district’s investments and facility usage members.
Facility Use Outside Normal District Hours of Operation
Facilities may be requested for use Monday through Friday as space is available and as such use does not interrupt or disturb regular school activities. Saturday and Sunday use of school facilities may be permitted and will be subject to staff availability. All facilities should be vacated no later than 9:00 p.m.
All applicable fire and safety laws/regulations governing use of school facilities must be observed at all times including:
- Auditorium exit lights must be used.
- Adequate lighting must be maintained.
- Open flame (including candles) is prohibited.
- Room capacity is not to exceed current fire occupancy guidelines.
- Temporary electrical or mechanical modifications are prohibited unless approved by the facility use manager.
- Stairways, corridors and entrance/exits must be kept free of obstruction at all times.
- No equipment, scenery or decorations of any type shall be used within the building or on the premises except as specifically provided in the permit.
Illegal and Prohibited Activities Alcohol and Drugs
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is prohibited. Failure to comply will be dealt with by local law enforcement agencies, and will result in revocation of the approved request and any future request for facility use.
Tobacco Use
Tobacco use is strictly prohibited in or on all school district property. Failure to comply may result in revocation of the approved request and any future requests.
No deadly weapons of any kind, as defined by state statute, or anything that might be construed as a weapon, shall be allowed on school district property, except as authorized by law and with the express written permission of the superintendent.
Games of chance and activities defined as gambling by state statutes are prohibited on district property.
Behaviors including obscene language, quarreling, fighting or noncompliance with school district regulations are prohibited and may result in revocation of the approved request.
Limited Use of Locations
All requests will be issued for specific rooms or fields. It shall be the responsibility of the request holder to restrict the activities of the group to that specific area except for necessary hallways and restrooms. Failure to do so may result in revocation of the approved request.
Furnishings, Equipment and Supplies
District furnishings, equipment and supplies in areas to be used are not to be disturbed, consumed or moved.
Advertisement Materials
Posters, flyers or other advertising materials to be used to promote activities at district facilities are subject to approval by the communication and community resources department (800 S. Taft Avenue, Loveland).