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Legal Notice for Storm Water

Legal Notice

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Notice of Storm Water Program

Notice is hereby given that the Thompson School District implemented a Storm Water Management Plan in 2008. As a Non Standard MS4 permitee, Thompson School District has identified outfalls that could be impacted by illegal discharges into the storm water system, as required by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

This Plan includes educational programs and signage for the general public and building users to prevent illicit discharges of pollutants into waterways. Pollutants and chemicals can negatively impact water quality and the environment. A copy of the current program can be obtained from Jess Arnold, Environmental Specials, by phone at (970) 613-5381 or email at Input and questions are welcome and should be directed to Jess Arnold at the contact information listed above.

Contact Information

Facilities Services

Jess Arnold

Environmental Specialist
(970) 613-5381

Facilities Services Office

800 S Taft Ave
Loveland, CO 80537