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Safety and Security

Joe Vodjansky

Joe Vodjansky
Director of Safety and Security 

Safety and Security Video thumbnail image


The safety of each student, staff member and visitor is our number-one priority. Watch this short video that describes the process we follow to help keep our district community safe.

Personnel in Operations

The Safety and Security Department works with all staff members across the district to provide the safest environment possible. This is accomplished through continual training, planning, and striving to align our security procedures with the most current standards. While our schools do have security technology in the form of controlled access, panic alarms, and surveillance cameras, nothing beats the vigilance of our staff, students, and parents in terms of providing awareness and opportunities for prevention.

We encourage you to review the security website to learn about our process around dealing with threats, responding to incidents, and providing mental and emotional support to our students, staff, and families. If you have questions, please feel free to call the Security Department at (970) 613-5010.

Safety and Security Roles

Every community member has a role in maintaining safe and secure schools. The roles of staff, students, parents, and the community include the following:

Staff members follow safety and security protocols, model safety and security behaviors, reinforce behavior expectations, and provide behavioral interventions. Staff members also plan and conduct emergency drills, participate in their security and safety committees, and work to collaborate with district personnel and community members in order to enhance measures to provide for a safe and secure learning environment. Staff members also know how to identify potential threats to safety and security and report such concerns to school administration without delay.

Students play a critical role in order to maintain safe and secure schools. Students should follow all directions during emergency drills. Students should be willing to talk with parents, teachers, school counselors, school administrators, and police when they have concerns about their individual safety or that of another. Students should also practice positive interpersonal relationship skills to help sustain a safe and secure learning environment and to promote social competence.

Parents should be knowledgeable about safety and security procedures at their students' schools. Parents should reinforce and support school behavior expectations and should participate in safety and security discussions at meetings. Parents should be able to identify potential threats to the safety and security of their student(s) and report concerns to the school administration and/or the police without delay.

Community members - including members of law enforcement, fire, and medical services - should work to collaborate with school officials to develop emergency response protocols. Businesses, private organizations, clubs, and churches should work in partnership with the district to help build, support, and sustain safe and secure schools.

Community Input

If you have a life threatening emergency please call 911. If you have a question or concern about security practices and procedures, you can contact the Safety and Security Department at (970) 613-5010 or by email at or