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Student Registration

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New and Returning Student

Online Registration is open for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years.

If you are the guardian of a new or returning student to the Thompson School District, you can register your student online by completing an Online Registration (OLR) application. Please make note of your application number, and be sure to select the correct school year.Start online registration application


Some things to note:

  • The application takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.

  • The Online Registration application is available in both English and Spanish.

  • This application will register your students into your Boundary Area school.

  • If your student is returning to TSD, please indicate by checking “This application will include one or more student(s) that have previously attended the Thompson School District”, and the family will be linked together when the application is processed.

  • Be sure to press the SUBMIT button on the last page to submit the application.

  • The School Locator will find your Boundary Area school. If your address is not listed, please contact 

  • If your Elementary Boundary Area is Truscott Elementary and your student's grade level is 1st-5th, you will be automatically assigned to Winona, due to the Dual Language program at TES.

  • After the application is submitted and processed, you will receive an automated email with information on the next step to completing enrollment.


If you are applying to LEAPLoveland Classical School, or New Vision Charter School, complete the OLR Application. Your OLR application will be assigned to the requested school (please note that the application will still show your Attendance Boundary School). The site staff will contact you directly to complete enrollment.

The Thompson Integrated Early Childhood / Preschool Program has an additional process. After you complete the OLR application, visit the Thompson Integrated Early Childhood website for further enrollment instructions.

If you need help

For questions please email or call (970)613-6877